Free Eq plugin from B.A.Tech. before open store for you! TONE OF NIGHT!

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Effects Discussion


Mr. B.A.

Honestly...nobody wishes you anything bad and I already stated that "you might be a talented programmer" or whatever but the way you presented everything is the main reason people here got suspicious. Think about it.

Once again: Good luck! (It wasn't sarcastic)


B.A.Tech. wrote:BTW why anyone don't talk about my plugins? Just use them and tell what is wrong in them and i can fix and improve them.If you want to help me,just do it!
Okay, I tried many them & it's confirmed that I have no use for them. Are they inherently bad? Not really but I already own a ton of properly developed plugins so yours would only serve as lower quality duplicates. I do admire your desire and willingness to keep releasing these things on an almost daily basis. You want advice? I'll simply repeat what others have already said.

-Ditch the name. Seriously it's an f*ing joke.
-Stop trying to make clones of hardware that don't actually emulate the hardware, it's a f*ing joke.
-Develop or hire someone to develop a proper website. Yours is a f*ing joke.
-Change your pricing scheme to something a bit more in line with the quality of the product. $29 for a SM plugin that looks like hardware but sounds nothing like it is a f*ing joke.

That's all I've got.


twoifbysea wrote:
B.A.Tech. wrote:BTW why anyone don't talk about my plugins? Just use them and tell what is wrong in them and i can fix and improve them.If you want to help me,just do it!
Okay, I tried many them & it's confirmed that I have no use for them. Are they inherently bad? Not really but I already own a ton of properly developed plugins so yours would only serve as lower quality duplicates. I do admire your desire and willingness to keep releasing these things on an almost daily basis. You want advice? I'll simply repeat what others have already said.

-Ditch the name. Seriously it's an f*ing joke.
-Stop trying to make clones of hardware that don't actually emulate the hardware, it's a f*ing joke.
-Develop or hire someone to develop a proper website. Yours is a f*ing joke.
-Change your pricing scheme to something a bit more in line with the quality of the product. $29 for a SM plugin that looks like hardware but sounds nothing like it is a f*ing joke.

That's all I've got.
I'd be happy with an explanation of why the plugins are called "bullshit". Isn't bullshit an English word & therefore isn't the English interpretation of the word bullshit taken to mean - foolish, deceitful, boastful, worthless, deceptive, insincere, insolent talk or behavior? I just got this from searching "meaning of bullshit". What am I missing here? I know the ears are most important but still....weird.


OK. It's nice to see commet about plugins.It's not good commet but no problem.I need your thoughts.I will try to make better.



miro pajic wrote:
highkoo wrote:Ffs, "spamming"?
"Too much" free stuff?

Or, even worse-
Its only too much because it doesnt meet a perceived quality standard? :|
Yeah, pretty c**nty imo.
jens wrote: All he did was to annouce the release of a (free b.t.w) plugin. You would not believe what kind of shit he has to take for that. :roll:
+1 Dayum.
Every time. And then come the comments on the company name geezuz.

Just wait til Dr Tikovs next one! :lol:

People used to come here for dev posts like this ffs.
No, it's not c**nty. People "feel" if they can take something serious or not. This guy throws out a new plugin every few days and calls it "inspired by" or "leaning on" the sound of certain hardware. This is simply impossible and doesn't take a genius to come to such a conclusion.
"Developers" take months to tune the algos, parameters etc. to get as close as possible.

And people around here used to know WAY less about the actual sound of certain hardware units. Over the past few years, even a hardcore plugin user, who has never worked with the hardware has most likely gained knowledge about certain characteristics of certain gear, because there were many versions and even if all a little different, it's obvious what tone tool X or Y has.
Five years ago many would have said WOW, but nobody's so easy to impress - A good thing!

UA worked nearly a year or so to get their massive passive plugin to sound like the hardware and Bullshit seems to make it inbetween a coffe, another KVR post and a night of sleep (just the time to make a GUI, once you're in the flow).
BA Tech: Do you even know how COMPLEX the massive passive is, with it's interacting bands etc?

No matter if these plugins (I will never be able to try, since I'm on mac) are useful or not (surely they are in some way) it's perky to give the KVR reader/customer or whoever a feeling of "it's not 100% the original, but pretty close" with names and GUIs going obvious directions.

Sorry but I can't take this guy serious AKA bullshit!
Maybe there'S potnetial or he might be a good programmer even, but
his appearance here since weeks, (sorry, but I have to be honest) is very immature and the reactions in this thread are nothing else than a logical reaction.

I hope some of you PC guys will test them soon and give some feedback
IF the SSL compressor has a touch of the snap/punch of an SSL emu or the 1176 gets close to what people know as such and so on...

Good luck!
We define c**nty differently.


Sloid wrote:
twoifbysea wrote:
B.A.Tech. wrote:BTW why anyone don't talk about my plugins? Just use them and tell what is wrong in them and i can fix and improve them.If you want to help me,just do it!
Okay, I tried many them & it's confirmed that I have no use for them. Are they inherently bad? Not really but I already own a ton of properly developed plugins so yours would only serve as lower quality duplicates. I do admire your desire and willingness to keep releasing these things on an almost daily basis. You want advice? I'll simply repeat what others have already said.

-Ditch the name. Seriously it's an f*ing joke.
-Stop trying to make clones of hardware that don't actually emulate the hardware, it's a f*ing joke.
-Develop or hire someone to develop a proper website. Yours is a f*ing joke.
-Change your pricing scheme to something a bit more in line with the quality of the product. $29 for a SM plugin that looks like hardware but sounds nothing like it is a f*ing joke.

That's all I've got.
I'd be happy with an explanation of why the plugins are called "bullshit". Isn't bullshit an English word & therefore isn't the English interpretation of the word bullshit taken to mean - foolish, deceitful, boastful, worthless, deceptive, insincere, insolent talk or behavior? I just got this from searching "meaning of bullshit". What am I missing here? I know the ears are most important but still....weird.
I think a similar word to "bullshit" is "crap", or am I missing some meanings? B.A.Tech described some posts earlier why he has chosen this name...

BTW, I don't think it is possible to make so many GOOD emulations of hardware in such a short time, especially not with Synthmaker.

It would be great to hear from more people who have compared them to the real hardware of how good (emulated) they are...

Are the ones from Antress better?? I have not all those hardware, so I can't compare them... :(


Tricky-Loops wrote: I don't think it is possible to make so many GOOD emulations of hardware in such a short time(

In what time? You guys keep making up your own alternative reality. He mentioned several times now, that he developed his algorithms over a longer timeframe and finished them already way before he finished the plugins i.e. added GUIs etc. .

Why on earth - if not for the sake of pure trolling - are you guys keep on ignoring this? Are you really so throughly incapable of proper reading? If so you shoudln't engage in internet discussions at all!
"Preamps have literally one job: when you turn up the gain, it gets louder." Jamcat, talking about presmp-emulation plugins.


For once, I have to agree with miro pajic.

B.A.Tech. wrote:I told that my plugins are not 1:1 emulations.Only based...I'm using my methods to make plugins.BTW i'm electric/electronic technician.I try to emulate circuits.They are not only cool hardware like GUI.Did you try my any plugin?
As I've told you earlier - yes, and they are not(!) my cup of tea.

First and foremost, we don't really know how much time you've "really" put into these designs. But from pure circuits alone (and yes, I can relate, I'm a trained IT communication technitian and upgraded to audio engineer - to play along the "I'm better than you" game) it's hard to really, really emulate things.

As mentioned ealier, other firms took months to port and finetune that (example: Slate VCC was over two years in the making, Variety of Sound's Thrillseeker, accoring to blog entries, nearly a year). And unless you're a genious like Fabrice Gabriel (Eiosis/Slate digital), Herbert Goldberg (Variety of Sound), Dirk Ulrich (Brainworx), Urs Heckmann and Sascha Eversmeyer (U-HE) or Quinto Sardo (Sknote), then I seriously doubt that your creations come even close to the actual hardware your plugins are "inspired" and "based upon". Especially if you do not(!) have the hardware to further finetune.

This is what broke the next of other developers that tried to make some quick bucks off of hardware looking GUI's but using stock modules in SynthMaker and SynthEdit. And yes, since I've tried it myself and digged a bit into the topic, it is hard to recreate analog circuity in digital form, and there is no(!) available stock material for either SM/SE for parts like resistors, capacitors, transistors, tubes, etc.

I'm not saying that your stuff is bad - to some it might be the best and only solution, to me you're just one among many. I'm having an eye on the market for quite a while now, I'm doing beta tests for well respected companies and developers, I run a respected "hardware emulation list"... So I can say a little something here and there.

All I can (and actually will say) is that I take your tools with a huge grain of salt. I know the alternatives, and I know what they are capable off, how much manpower was put into them.

I can only re-quote what miro said earlier:
Good luck with your creations. Maybe they will turn into something better. But currently they're nothing to me than just for quick money making and jumping on the bandwagon with not much effort (if it's even measurable) put behind them.

I hope this is feedback enough. Because I also think this discussion leads to nowhere for quite a while now.
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Compyfox wrote:For once, I have to agree with miro pajic.

B.A.Tech. wrote:I told that my plugins are not 1:1 emulations.Only based...I'm using my methods to make plugins.BTW i'm electric/electronic technician.I try to emulate circuits.They are not only cool hardware like GUI.Did you try my any plugin?
As I've told you earlier - yes, and they are not(!) my cup of tea.

First and foremost, we don't really know how much time you've "really" put into these designs. But from pure circuits alone (and yes, I can relate, I'm a trained IT communication technitian and upgraded to audio engineer - to play along the "I'm better than you" game) it's hard to really, really emulate things.

As mentioned ealier, other firms took months to port and finetune that (example: Slate VCC was over two years in the making, Variety of Sound's Thrillseeker, accoring to blog entries, nearly a year). And unless you're a genious like Fabrice Gabriel (Eiosis/Slate digital), Herbert Goldberg (Variety of Sound), Dirk Ulrich (Brainworx), Urs Heckmann and Sascha Eversmeyer (U-HE) or Quinto Sardo (Sknote), then I seriously doubt that your creations come even close to the actual hardware your plugins are "inspired" and "based upon". Especially if you do not(!) have the hardware to further finetune.

This is what broke the next of other developers that tried to make some quick bucks off of hardware looking GUI's but using stock modules in SynthMaker and SynthEdit. And yes, since I've tried it myself and digged a bit into the topic, it is hard to recreate analog circuity in digital form, and there is no(!) available stock material for either SM/SE for parts like resistors, capacitors, transistors, tubes, etc.

I'm not saying that your stuff is bad - to some it might be the best and only solution, to me you're just one among many. I'm having an eye on the market for quite a while now, I'm doing beta tests for well respected companies and developers, I run a respected "hardware emulation list"... So I can say a little something here and there.

All I can (and actually will say) is that I take your tools with a huge grain of salt. I know the alternatives, and I know what they are capable off, how much manpower was put into them.

I can only re-quote what miro said earlier:
Good luck with your creations. Maybe they will turn into something better. But currently they're nothing to me than just for quick money making and jumping on the bandwagon with not much effort (if it's even measurable) put behind them.

I hope this is feedback enough. Because I also think this discussion leads to nowhere for quite a while now.
That's an interesting statement. I know its kind of a thread hijacking, but do you think the Antress stuff is better (emulated) or at the same level?

Because I always love to hear some opinions of (professional) people who have the possibility to compare the plugins to the real hardware... :help:


I see the word-emulation-has got a few people into a 'debate' again :hihi:

FWIW I've been mucking around with some of his effects and have found them to be quite good. Very stable and that is what I like...YMMV... :hihi:
If a billion people believe a stupid thing it is still a stupid thing


Man, some people here really do love to argue about the most harmless topics. :?


dark_virus wrote:Man, some people here really do love to argue about the most harmless topics. :?
Correct...and that is the only real "bullshit" in this thread. There's absolutely no reason to discuss a devs sense of humor... :nutter:
Now go ahead, test his plugs and give at least a little respect for what is doing. Argue with him about the plugs...not his name..for gods sake



shoma wrote:
dark_virus wrote:Man, some people here really do love to argue about the most harmless topics. :?
Correct...and that is the only real "bullshit" in this thread. There's absolutely no reason to discuss a devs sense of humor... :nutter:
Now go ahead, test his plugs and give at least a little respect for what is doing. Argue with him about the plugs...not his name..for gods sake


Everyone talk about my name and my building way..

I want to ask something them.What do you know about electronic,C++ and difference about SM and any other C++ softwares?

Why do you hate SM? I know because you can't make anything..BTW you can import everything about C++ into SM.
t is hard to recreate analog circuity in digital form, and there is no(!) available stock material for either SM/SE for parts like resistors, capacitors, transistors, tubes, etc.
Of course there are no! But you can simulate everything if you want.And i made what i want.12AX7,Brimar tube..even non-linear technics..

So it's not easy but you can do everything in Sm if you want.There is only one difference and that's SM has easy-to-interface.

If you want good sound,it's not only hard way..There are many really good hardware but small circuits.

I made a 2 ch. Helios preamp for my studio.It's really basic..And i used another discerete op-amp from Urei in this circuit..And now i love it! It's really awesome!



Hello to everyone, my first post here. This is an incredible thread, so incredible that I didn't want to read all of it. I understand people being suspicious because of the number of plugins you've released in a short time, which suggests that it might be a bad marketing strategy, but anyways they are FREE I can't see why people get aggressive in a personal level about getting free plugins.

But anyways, thanks to B.A.Tech for the free plugs.

I found the TransiPunch the most interesting, and useful in a couple of situations (for processing a kick drum). I just think it would work better if it would provide at least the dB amount for the gain knob, and the mix knob does not seem to do anything. Didn't try the eq's as I'm pretty well stocked in that area.

P.S. I like the company name very much.


I don't want this thread to ever end. Ever I tell you.

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