Most stable nonsense free DAW?

Audio Plugin Hosts and other audio software applications discussion


TACruise wrote: it's simply a fact that ZERO major studios are producing music with it.
Well that would be true considering the purpose of a major studio is not to "produce" music as that would be very silly indeed.
Snare drums samples: the new and improved "dither algo"


what is also a fact is that "Major Studios" don't produce/record most of the music out there anymore. So who gives a flying F*&K what major studios do or don't do? as mentioned before, most of them only use Pro Tools anyway.

If you want stability- Reason is the most stable, but really that's oversold. years ago, there was a huge difference, now I can't remember when one of my other hosts crashed last (I have/use Logic, Cubase, Live, Sonar, Tracktion, and Reason)

Nonsense free? every DAW out there has quirks that will wear on you after a while. hence forum rage about every DAW if you look hard enough. find one that doesn't piss you off too much, or better, get a couple and use them for their strengths (I like to compose in Reason or Live, and mix in Logic or Sonar depending on my mood.)


TACruise wrote:
DJBuddhaBear wrote:
TACruise wrote:
DJBuddhaBear wrote:
TACruise wrote:Reaper is very stable and after using Studio One extensively without a crash, it is also very stable.

Saying Reason is stable in this conversation is like saying a big, red rubber ball used in gym class for kickball is every bit as good to use in a basketball game as an actual basketball.
Oh look another person attacking Reason because it isn't a 'real' DAW. :clap:
It's only on the radar of an extremely small handful of people compared to literally every other DAW. Not attacking Reason, it's simply a fact that ZERO major studios are producing music with it.

It's far more attackable on the premise of it having a closed-off plug-in format that is non-transferable or sellable = That makes it a joke, really. :clap:
Well most major studios I have been in use only ProTools, so all of the others discussed here are in the same boat now aren't they?

The word you are looking for is proprietary. Any developer can, however, apply and get the SDK to make Rack Extensions so no it is not closed-off.

Your issue really seems to be about not being able to transfer or resell the extensions. I gather that is an issue for some but not all. And just because it is for you does not make it a joke.

But hey you are not going to be convinced by what I or anyone say. The proof, however, is in the pudding. Can you make music with the tools you are using? If so, then fan-f**king-tastic.

If not, and you just like to buy and trade VST's and call other DAW's jokes, then I doubt you are really much of a musician.

That has been my experience with people who act like you do. Hell I have see this in the photography world all the time too. Oh, the Nikon D4s is the best & most advanced modern camera and the Pentax Q7 is just a toy camera. And yet, the person spouting off this nonsense never seems to take any photographs with this supposed better camera and the bloke using the 'toy' Pentax Q7 is taking amazing shots. :wink:
Wow. It never ends with you people. You're completely backing up my point about the strangeness of some in the Reason crowd. You take everything and anything critical said about it personally and are simply extremely fast to be offended and make all kinds of wild assumptions about the person with the critical comments.

Even your reply right above mine to the other guy is you taking offense to what he said and making all kinds of wild assumptions.

Lighten up man.
So apparently you didn't read what I wrote to either of y'all. You are projecting your own assumptions on to me. You simply proved my point by not responding to what I actually wrote and continue with the trolling.

That's cool. Enjoy yourself. :clap:


DJBuddhaBear wrote:
macmurphy wrote:i've never been one of the 'reason crowd'. i've never understood slavish devotion to any software or equipment of any type - it's what is available and whatever works at the time.
I am curious as to why you would consider it slavish devotion if we value a tool we have worked with for some time that gets the job done, has a workflow we like, and it allows us to express our musical creativity?
i don't. i consider it slavish devotion when someone won't even consider trying other methods. daws, equipment etc. maybe i should have been clearer.


macmurphy wrote:
DJBuddhaBear wrote:
macmurphy wrote:i've never been one of the 'reason crowd'. i've never understood slavish devotion to any software or equipment of any type - it's what is available and whatever works at the time.
I am curious as to why you would consider it slavish devotion if we value a tool we have worked with for some time that gets the job done, has a workflow we like, and it allows us to express our musical creativity?
i don't. i consider it slavish devotion when someone won't even consider trying other methods. daws, equipment etc. maybe i should have been clearer.
That's cool. So far I have not seen anyone who said that about Reason or any other DAW.

I like using Rewire VST to bring the Reason modular rack into FL Studio where I can use it with some of the VST's whose unique sounds I can't make or get in Reason at this time. And I still love Reason, have used it since version 2.0 on Mac OS 9, and will be upgrading to Reason 9 later this year. :)


surreal wrote:Hi Everyone

What is the most stable nonsense free in terms of workflow DAW currently?

Reaper. No equal when it comes to stability.
With the following ReaperSet:

Becomes quite user-friendly for first-timer users.


"Anyway, for me, this seemed like the usual "4 posts, and registered a couple of days ago" trolling anyway. memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=380123"


No, to me it seems more like your usual 'refuse-to-give-anyone-the-benefit-of-doubt-except-myself' statement. As pedant as it is a common use in some places..
Which is ironic; you rather push a living thing away in advance -whoever it might be- than have to deal with critics on your toy, baby. :ud:


Registering here to rant about a DAW makes a user suspicious by default. :shrug: How many Edward's have we had now? Not enough for some, it seems. I don't have a problem with having issues with a software, but claiming that "no major studio uses Reason" is beyond ridiculous, especialy because of this:
rifftrax wrote:
TACruise wrote: it's simply a fact that ZERO major studios are producing music with it.
Well that would be true considering the purpose of a major studio is not to "produce" music as that would be very silly indeed.
Apart from that, i have my doubts that the guy, or girl, is Hans Zimmer, and knows "major studio people" on Christian name terms, so why would you claim such a thing, if you weren't mainly trolling? It's one thing to have issues with Reason, it's another to say no major studio uses it, when you obviously don't have an idea what major studios actually do.


What did I say about assumptions!! Wow, chk071....step away from the internet, weird guy.

I came here to see info about Reason 9, not to troll your oh-so precious toy, buddy.

You are the classic "Reason Crowd Weirdo" who can't take anything critical being said about Reason. This whole thing ended a few posts ago, and look at you still carrying it on!!

You have issues.

" it's another to say no major studio uses it, when you obviously don't have an idea what major studios actually do."

Wow! You just dont stop with the assumptions, do you? Clearly....YOU DO NOT know about big studios and I would bet MONEY you've never spent time in any = Because you wouldn't challenge someone else who said that. You wouldn't have a bone to pick with them if you were confident in your own self and experience. Instead, you're taking issue with something someone else said have issues.

Thanks for reminding me how comical it can be to watch guys like you in the Reason crowd behave like kids.


TACruise wrote: I came here to see info about Reason 9, not to troll your oh-so precious toy, buddy.
Talking of assumptions, i don't even use Reason, "buddy". I just have something against raising ridiculous claim. Which is exactly what you do here. Why not take a step back yourself, and make a point without claiming BS.


"And Reason is very prominent there. "No names" like The Prodigy, Beastie Boys, Public Enemy or Tom Middleton have used, or are using Reason. ;)"


Pardon me, but the ardent way in which you defended Reason made me assume you own the app. My bad.
I see. Reason needs an artist update :clown:


Boardwalk wrote:"And Reason is very prominent there. "No names" like The Prodigy, Beastie Boys, Public Enemy or Tom Middleton have used, or are using Reason. ;)"


Pardon me, but the ardent way in which you defended Reason made me assume you own the app. My bad.
I see. Reason needs an artist update :clown:
The guy claimed no "major studio" would use Reason. I listed some major artists which used Reason. Where exactly was your problem? :shrug:

By the way, i would appreciate if you would be a good dog, and let go off my scent. It's becoming quite pungent. Especially when you're in to defend pointless stupid stuff.


I've never been in a 'major studio.'
However, I checked the day price of Abbey Road Studios once, just for fun, and if I remember it well, they have their own standard software, but one can bring their own applications with them. Dunno exactly how this works :)


As has been mentioned, if then, major studios are rather involved in recording, mixing, mastering, or film production work. They will most likely not work with the usual DAW's which are aimed on producing electronic music, or even recording semi-professionally. So what exactly should those "major studios", which don't use Reason, be like? That statement not only lacks a basic understanding, and ability to think about what "major studios" do, it's also not true, considering the million record selling artists i mentioned. And no, i'm not a fanboy, actually i stopped using Reason, because i think its devices suck. Does that mean i have to run around telling people that no major studio uses their software? No, not at all.


You're hopeless if you think there's major studios ANYWHERE tracking people with Reason as their main DAW in the studio.

You sound like a complete amateur. Those "artists" you mention, DO NOT sit in a studio wasting time while they tinker with Reason. That's hilarious you think they would. For small things yes, but whole productions are not done in major studios with guys sitting behind a computer using "Reason".

There's microphones valued at $10k in that room and you think Prodigy is sitting there tinkering away on Reason in an extremely nice facility? What a joke. And that logic is amateur as hell. Obviously you have minimal concept of what goes on in major studios = It's not guys sitting behind a computer using Reason.

Back to the main point = You're offended like a little child that I pointed out no major studios are tracking/producing (if that needs clarified youre REALLY a child) with Reason. They're not. Get over being offended and grow up.

"The Prodigy, Beastie Boys, Public Enemy " = Not only are those artists not close to being relevant, they simply MENTIONED at one time they use Reason, and likely were paid a bit for the endorsement. What's more amateur is you assuming they used that software EXCLUSIVELY from start to finish. You seem to have a small mind. But then again, I'm betting you just don't have experience with music outside of your bedroom.
Last edited by TACruise on Thu Jun 09, 2016 8:19 pm, edited 8 times in total.


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