One Synth Challenge #96: Nabla by Full Bucket (Voting Over)

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] Peter:H [ wrote: Anyway - I'm looking forward to getting some thoughts about my track from you guys. What do you think?
] Peter:H [
There are a lot of cool sounds and melodies in your song but they are all fighting for my attention.
It's a bit overwhelming if you know what I mean.

Remember , just my opinion, maybe this is how it should sound.



phace wrote:made something imaginative, something kinda cool and weird.. but I'm not sure if I will get myself to finish it since I'm worried that other people will find it to be repugnant (because of the unusual style), this is a lack of self esteem I have when I try to be experimental
Now i'm interested


phace wrote:made something imaginative, something kinda cool and weird.. but I'm not sure if I will get myself to finish it since I'm worried that other people will find it to be repugnant (because of the unusual style), this is a lack of self esteem I have when I try to be experimental
Hello phace,

Don't worry, friend. Go ahead. Just share without thinking too much.

Nobody dislikes any track in OSC... This I can tell you based on my own experience of being participant many times. It's really a friendly challenge. :hug:

There is no "dislike" button in KVR forum or Soundcloud. ;)

I've been always experimental with my tracks without thinking voting result. In fact, in my humble opinion, sometimes most experimental track which keeps listeners engaged throughout the track has high possibility of winning if mix is well done.

Just enjoy making and sharing music. Forget about what others will think and end results which is sometimes cause of low self-esteem.

Never feel ashamed of your music, always keep self-confidence. :)

Best of luck. :tu:


Does this work ? ... mmy_r4.wav

ah .. now it does :party:

anyway my project files are on github

now let's hope I finally finish a song :pray:


phace wrote:made something imaginative, something kinda cool and weird.. but I'm not sure if I will get myself to finish it since I'm worried that other people will find it to be repugnant (because of the unusual style), this is a lack of self esteem I have when I try to be experimental
Don't try to please the masses. We have plenty of main stream music and musicians already (I consider myself a boring mainstream musician).
Yes sure, we have prizes and votes and rankings, but the biggest challenge should be; to make the music YOU want to make ..

.. using only one synth .. rules apply


*** EDIT **** removed snippet of sound now, done the drums and posted 3rd draft!

Last edited by doctorbob on Sat Feb 11, 2017 10:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.


doctorbob wrote:Hi all, here's a little snippet of someting I am working on with Nabla ...

The percussion is NOT Nabla yet - just using a boring old Edirol plugin to give me the basics to work on.

I am very pleased with the bass in this early set of ideas.

Enjoy ...

Nice relaxed groove in this. Cool.


rghvdberg wrote:the biggest challenge should be; to make the music YOU want to make ..

.. using only one synth .. rules apply
I totally agree.

Now I just test Nabla briefly to see what is waiting me and have some questions. First most important is: looks like velocity in this synth is not supported? I know there is way to edit events, create automations for volume but this is not enough for percussion - velocity per note is a must and a percussions for me is a must :lol: .

There is also weird behaviour of envelope in synthesizer section (at least for me in FL 32bit - yea I use mostly 32 bit). In normal ADSR mode high decay settings result in sustain? Sometimes I also get something like note stuck. Synth play last played note even the note is off - im AFK. Also dont understand controls for second type "pulse" envelope. How the controls work there? Mostly getting nasty clicks with that type of envelope.

But hey looks like another big chalenge for me :hyper:.


TrojakEW wrote: Also dont understand controls for second type "pulse" envelope. How the controls work there? Mostly getting nasty clicks with that type of envelope.
The "pulse" envelope is what would I call a gate. It just switches the sound on and off, bypassing the ADSR.
You can still use the adsr to modulate the filter, i.e. use the adsr as a filter envelope. Adjust the EG Depth knob to adjust the amount of modulation to the filter.

btw I got clicks and hanging notes to but I thought that was because of Linux :lol:
Last edited by rghvdberg on Tue Feb 07, 2017 2:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.



rghvdberg wrote: ... /OSC96.mp3

just derping around :-)

happy chill vibe!
i like it. :tu:
"I believe every music producer inherently has something unique about the way they make music. They just have to identify what makes them different, and develop it" - Max Martin


Nice vibe Rob ... :tu: :tu: is your perc Nabla then??? ( If so, gimmee gimmee gimmee!! :pray: :hihi: ), else I guess I have time to do it right myself ...

The main instruments are very rough in my snippet, to get the "feel". :D Getting quite a reasonable strum/picked guitar like sound :clap: - I find that (this time) when designing the instruments, they really need to be done together so the blending of the harmonics (in Nabla) can help properly define them in the mix (actually quite a nice way to do it and a little like playing with a drawbar organ). This is why in this early version of stuff things are quite "sharp" to the ear (ie bad, but approximate sound!! :dog: ) - but will get better - just not quite a case of EQ with this synth as noted above!

Anyone else find the "strings" not as "pure" a string sound as one would like? I have been adding a little into a instrument to "bulk" out the sound, but it really needs to be in the background, else it can overpower any of the more gentile sounds you have carefully concocted. Maybe my ears though ... :dog:

Onwards .... :party:


PS. The "Fartfisa" preset sounds just like the one in my early 70's band - pretty darn close :tu: - was great to watch the inside of the thing with a strobe light - all the transistors (yes, remember them??), waving around.


Hi folks,

Here some presets I made for Nabla, mainly pads. ...

The audio-demo is not polished but here it is anyway ... -my-father


wow beautiful sounds being posted here, Just want to get one thing clear - are we allowed to use shareware 3rd party plugin effects or is it just freeware plugins & native DAW plugins?


doctorbob wrote:Nice vibe Rob ... :tu: :tu: is your perc Nabla then??? ( If so, gimmee gimmee gimmee!! :pray: :hihi: ), else I guess I have time to do it right myself ...
It's all nabla. It's more the processing; compression and EQ, that makes the sound of the drums but I can export the patches if you like. Will take some time so be patient plz.

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