Jack for Windows !!!!!

Audio Plugin Hosts and other audio software applications discussion


sletz wrote:Good explanations, but hare are some more points:

- selecting the "Realtime" parameter is important, it configure audio threads to get THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL priority and this help real-time behaviour of the system

- it's better to use the "start jack when you start QJackCtl" option stince using the start/stop buttons are sometimes buggy

- connections are done by selecting a source and destination in Qjackctl and use the "connect" button (same for disconnection) . See http://qjackctl.sourceforge.net/qjackctl-ss1.html.
You're right!

For the first point, I turned on the Realtime setting on my pc but I forgot to write it here (sorry).

For the second point, I didn't noticed the bug because I use that option because I'm a bit lazy. My fault not to suggest it here clearly.

For the third... Well, when I wrote the message I had just finished to install it, I didn't yet try routing: as soon I saw the message that jack was running, for me it was ok. I knew about the routing, but I didn't think it was important to say it here because the online doc are good (and I used jack on linux, so I took it foregranted). My fault too. Hoewer, my message was on the "setup" issue more than on the utilization (and English is not my native language, I try to write the less as possible to avoid mistakes :wink: )

The intention on the post was to make the point about the setup, collecting the various hints of this thread and organizing them, so my previous post lacks also on the Jack Router asio driver and the routing explanation. But I see you wrote everything i forgot... :tu:


i had to install sp2 to resolve a problem with my computer, and remember to try this one more time, downloaded the files (v.o60 and the qjackctl ), and all is working now :D (no craches so far , 10-15 m trying), guess is a new way of working i will have to adapt!


in qjackctl setup/misc i see a "enable system tray icon" , but i can not click it, it doesn't allow, its disabled ..
is it like in this stage or do we have a way to enable it?


shit, I dont get any options to add sockets/plugs in the patchbay....the drop own lists dont work


VariKusBrainZ wrote:shit, I dont get any options to add sockets/plugs in the patchbay....the drop own lists dont work
... :o ...

When you use add, first choose a client and then a plug, otherwise it doesnn't work.

PS: In the pathbay there's also a "New" button: click on it, answer yes to the question of the box and you can see all the hardware and software I/O ready to be routed.
Note: it recognizes only the softwares (which are using Jack as asio driver) running at the moment you press "New". So first run and configure them, then click new on the patchbay and/or add some I/O manually.


JackDark wrote:I use Windows, but I'm not really for it. :shrug:


sin night wrote:
VariKusBrainZ wrote:shit, I dont get any options to add sockets/plugs in the patchbay....the drop own lists dont work
... :o ...

When you use add, first choose a client and then a plug, otherwise it doesnn't work.

PS: In the pathbay there's also a "New" button: click on it, answer yes to the question of the box and you can see all the hardware and software I/O ready to be routed.
Note: it recognizes only the softwares (which are using Jack as asio driver) running at the moment you press "New". So first run and configure them, then click new on the patchbay and/or add some I/O manually.
ahh, didnt realise the audio apps to be routed had to be running first

after a few attempts my windows mme drivers showed up but not my RME. I tried everything, there was nothing showing up when I tried the add and new buttons Will try again tonight. Fingers crossed.

Thanks Sin Night :D


I want to mark that I used the 0.59 beta version; I tried the 0.60 beta on the pc of a friend (windows xp just installed, sb audigy 24 bit) and it crashed almost everytime; with 0.59 beta it works fine.

Jack is under developement, so there is often a new version, so try always the latest; if it doesn't work, then use 0.59.


It would help to get more info on the crash you get. Does the qjackctl application crash or the jackdmp server itself?


this is so wicked :D thanx, guys! now i have qjackCtl up and running on my windowsxp :D

resistors are futile you will be simulated


sletz wrote:It would help to get more info on the crash you get. Does the qjackctl application crash or the jackdmp server itself?
The crash happens when I try to start the jack server. I tried only from the gui and not throught the command line... I don't remember much of that crash because it happened almost 20 days ago... I didn't try so much jack on that pc; I worked on it only two hours to set up the audio system(I had to fight against the sb' drivers...).

However I think the problem was of jackdmp 0.60 because qjackctl was the latest release and it worked correctly with jackdmp 0.59... I'm sorry but I can't give more info about the problem...

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