Do you use Reaktor? If not why?

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Impressed with its innovative value Reaktor was the first softsynth I bought. I still use it because it's one of the few things which allows creation of truly original psychic sounds for instance using graintable synthesis. But I agree the interface has been crappy and unstable. Then I never got to creating my own ensembles because I am not believing in the schematic modular way of creating synths. If you work at this level you need fine grained control and it's not enough to click on some items and draw relational lines between them, something that's true for SE and the other modular apps as well. I am currently developing a modular synth with a built-in compiler so that it is fully programmable and handles any type of formula logic without limitations. Something like a straightforward programming environment which handles everything for you, with a simple language making it easy to create sounds without the need to face generic programming languages, VST standard specifics or operating system issues.


I think MAX/MSP is the far better choice if you're looking to code your own stuff.


Resplendence wrote:Impressed with its innovative value Reaktor was the first softsynth I bought. I still use it because it's one of the few things which allows creation of truly original psychic sounds for instance using graintable synthesis. But I agree the interface has been crappy and unstable. Then I never got to creating my own ensembles because I am not believing in the schematic modular way of creating synths. If you work at this level you need fine grained control and it's not enough to click on some items and draw relational lines between them, something that's true for SE and the other modular apps as well. I am currently developing a modular synth with a built-in compiler so that it is fully programmable and handles any type of formula logic without limitations. Something like a straightforward programming environment which handles everything for you, with a simple language making it easy to create sounds without the need to face generic programming languages, VST standard specifics or operating system issues.
wow,sounds interesting
not 'ere nowadays :(

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klagga wrote:NI support is, by comparison, dreadful. If you ever reach it, you have to approach them humbly begging for help, because they arrogantly seem to think they never do anything wrong, it's always the customer's fault if something isn't working.
Isn't that just a German thing ? :lol:


I have owned reaktor 4 and 5, but havn't used it lately for the following reasons:

*CPU usage in reaktor 5 (for new instruments at least, and even some so called low cpu old ones) is too high for my modest computer.

*The patch loading system really gets on my tits. I want to be able to load patches like a normal vst, not have to load an ensemble then use reaktors own patch system.

*The new authentication system didn't work, I seemed unable to register a copy on my non-internet computer and unable to manage my installations as i previously could.

Given those, if I get a better computer I'll porbably install it and get cracking again.



I don't use Reaktor. It looks interesting, but I really can't afford it. If I was able to spend that much money on a synth of that type, anyway, I'd get Max/MSP.


only way i could afford it would be to use a cracked version, and that is kinda ethically impossible.
i prefer to just deal with freeware stuff, so i can;t say the first thing about reactor or most other comercial products.
looks really cool, but, hey, i am a guitar player primarily so for me it's just not worth investigating.
if it was liscenced like reaper, i may go for it...
but honestly, tho i;ve downloaded 4 or 5 versions of reaper i;ve never really even tried it, i pull off most of what i need to do with freeware ( i use vst host, savihost, audacity and soundengine free for most stuff) and if i need processing i can;t do here i just use my bro mark's studio, where he has all the high tech stuff i don't even understand, lol...

so yah, price is the main reason i never checked it out, and i learned a long time ago not to waste time downloading crippled partial version demos...
too fuckin frustrating for the size of the download when you can;t really do anything with it.

i wish more folks were cool and did it like reaper, but that would mean folks would have to be cool enough to stop using cracks and warez, and actually support the guys burning the midnite oil tweakin code...
jmo, your milage may vary.
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Somebody said "life's too short". Same here.

I'm more into FX so I bought QuantumFX - love it, but TBH I don't often delve into it that deeply to patch my own FX. I certainly don't have the time to delve into Reaktor. If I want a particular sound from a particular character of synth - I'd just rather spend a few hundred $$$s and get one that I know I'll know how to use rather than spending all month trying to create one in Reaktor. And to me, Reaktor is just another (although fancier and wider ranging) Synthedit. Synthedit occasionally lights my fire - some people do seem to come up with occasionally brilliant plugins from it...but not that often unfortunately. Not for my tastes anyway.

I know you get a large library with Reaktor, but there's also a large library of individual synths out there too. And none of the others involve such a steep learning curve as with Reaktor. There's only so much time and so little music I can make. I like the idea of Reaktor, but ultimately it's way too time-consuming for me. I'll happily play with a h/w modular...but it only takes you minutes or even seconds to repatch cords and make radically different sounds. Can't say that with Reaktor... :?


I love modulars, but I don't own Reaktor and don't plan to buy it for several reasons: first, although I enjoy working with softsynths, I'm more of a hardware guy; I own a Nord Modular G2 (previously owned a micromodular) and a small analog modular. Second, I've tried Reaktor before and never liked its interface; if I were to buy a software modular, I'd get VAZ. Third, I'm also a PureData user, so whatever I can't make with the G2 and the dotcom (e.g., sample-based stuff), I can make it with Pd - sure, it's no Max/MSP, but it's free.
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Really? I'm not saying that every NI instrument is for everyone, but I don't think I've found a single bug in any that I own.

KBKB wrote:[

seriously though.... NI stuff is crashy. i used to use kontakt until i just got fed u with 10000s of updates and bug fixes... and not really writing music...

could just be my PC set up, but once bitten...


I understand some of the issues that people have with Reaktor,certain things could be better implemented and maybe NI should be more responsive to their userbase.I've never had a problem with them so can't comment on that.

I will say that for the instruments you can dld from the user library,it is well worth it if you can get a 2nd hand copy.If i was looking to spend 399EUR i too would be looking at alternatives and i would take into account customer support as well as ease of use,documentation etc.But for some of the ensembles it is well worth it imo,they sound great. :)
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Inferior, or not to your taste? I think tat Reaktor instruments tend to have a "sound" I like it a lot. One of the reasons I've gone for the free KORE player and the Massive Expansion pack is because, to me, Massive sounds like a really good Reaktor .ens... and I have a bunch of them already.

Did you listen to Bluedad's "Going Fishing" tune? Listen to that and tell me again that Reaktor sounds are inferior. I think you'll change your mind... or not. Maybe that "NI" sound isn't for you.

Cabinfever wrote:I find the plain Reaktor synths are generally inferior sound-wise to almost every other synth I own. Where Reaktor shines is in its weirdness potential. Some of the sound generators are truly unique. Wonderful stuff. In that realm nothing I've used comes close to its power. Definitely one of the very few vital plugs in my setup.


I loved reaktor when I got it but every time I was in a hurry to get something done reaktor seemed to really slow me down. I don't mind the cpu but by the time you've found the folder with the synth or effect you want , you're faced with a thousand showoff presets or a big learning curve. Very few of the synths are easy to work out IMHO. I keep meaning to make a favorites folder and isolate the synths I like into categories...but I don't have time for that either. :(


use: no
why: the astronomous price/way too complex when you just want to play music


proletkult wrote:I loved reaktor when I got it but every time I was in a hurry to get something done reaktor seemed to really slow me down. I don't mind the cpu but by the time you've found the folder with the synth or effect you want , you're faced with a thousand showoff presets or a big learning curve. Very few of the synths are easy to work out IMHO. I keep meaning to make a favorites folder and isolate the synths I like into categories...but I don't have time for that either. :(
All that takes is a little organization of your library. If your library isn't organized, good luck trying to find anything.
Another thing which helps is self control; don't download everything in the UL. I download maybe six ensembles in the average month.

As for all the complaints about CPU usage, I don't see that as being a factor- there's a lot of commercial synths these days using the same or more CPU per voice as Reaktor :?

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