What would be your definition of a musician?

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neverenoughfunk wrote:
Gamma-UT wrote:
neverenoughfunk wrote:you are wrong here... there is theory behind rocket science and there is theory behind music... i.e. you learn a rule and then learn to apply that rule...
Being...a...musician... Whoops, sorry, Shatner mode off now.

Being a musician requires zero knowledge of theory, only custom and practice. Theory can be handy for composers though.
who said musicians require knowledge of theory? i understand that you felt the need to add you two cents to the thread... but read the posts before replying...
<<there is theory behind music... i.e. you learn a rule and then learn to apply that rule...>>

You wrote it. I made the possibly incorrect assumption that you understood what you wrote.

Your statement is largely incorrect anyway as there are large bodies of music for which there is no formal theory as such. Even for common-practice classical, I think there is a fair argument to be made that theory has been retrofitted to reflect practice. The only pure-theory phase in western music was in the days of musica practica and musica recta.


robojam wrote:bassoon...
Just out of interest, I always wonder when I hear this word, is the bassoon a bass version of some instrument called the "oon"? :hihi:
http://sendy.bandcamp.com/releases < My new album at Bandcamp! Now pay what you like!


neverenoughfunk wrote:again... if you want to refer to yourself as a musician... COOL!!! but the question is... who are you fooling? yourself?
I think it was said best here Mr Shatner:
whyterabbyt wrote:yoda says "cock, your theory is".
That truly is a load of cock. You really think people are in some way fooling themselves? Just because you have a problem with people not fitting you narrowly defined definition it doesn't mean that they are not musicians.


I had a guitar instructor once who tried to tell me that to be a musician you had to know theory and write original music. I asked him about the virtuosos who dedicate their lives to mastering an instrument, but only play classical music written by other. His response was "They're just robots, not musicians". Later that same week, I was fortunate enough to get Alan Parsons to sign an album for me (I Robot) with "I am not a robot". I showed it to my instructor at my next lesson, and then immediately found a new instructor.

I think it's funny that some people try to make being a musician a sort of "club" that only accepts members with special skills. In my opinion, if you write music or play music at any skill level, you can consider yourself a musician. A kid pitching a baseball in a little league game is a pitcher, as is a professional pitching in the world series - just at different skill levels.


robojam wrote: So....by your....definition....people.....like....Brian....Eno....are not mu.....sicians?

Same BS argument wrapped in a different paper.
i do not know who Brian or Eno are... i do not know their skill set... by the way... my definition is... it takes more than a computer, software and soundcloud page to be a musician... period...
So unless someone learns the theory behind the music they can't play?

What a crap musician that Robert Johnson was.
i know you are trying your hardest to be right... but i talked about individuals that play by ear... remember? 9 times out 10 these individuals that play by ear knows no theory... i.e. playing by ear!!!
That's an even worse thought out argument than any of your others. So let me get this straight - to 'prove' your theory you introduce a new term of "music maker" to accommodate the people whose ability doesn't not match the standards of musicianship that you personally dictate?
my man... you got it wrong... it is the respect factor... having respect for "real" musicians... that actually put their heart and soul into the craft of making music... again... it appears that the fact you have a computer, software, etc... you want to be called a musician... i saying NO!!! being a musician is a way of life!!!
You....are.....not Will........iam....Shatner? I....am...........................surprised...
not sure what this means
I assume you mean skills according to your narrow definition?
NO!!! it is a work in progress... trying to get there one day at a time!!! actually... it is hard work... that is why i do not consider myself a musician... i have came 1000 miles but millions to go... and to call myself a musician would be disrespectful to individuals that have "actually" put their time in!!!
There is a bigger, wider world out there you know, both in terms of musicians and just as importantly - listeners.
not sure what the point is here... but it sounds good!!!


There's been a lot of talk about theory, melodies and the like. What about people who make music using texture, samples, tape, rhythm, collage, musique concrete, microsound techniques, etc? Is this stuff not music but just "a racket"?
http://sendy.bandcamp.com/releases < My new album at Bandcamp! Now pay what you like!


there appear to be klingons on the starboard bow...


[quote="robojam]I think it was said best here Mr Shatner:

please stop referring to me as Mr Shatner... i have not once called you out of your name...

p.s. calling names is like running out of facts at a debate...

so... stop with the name calling...

thank you for your cooperation in this matter!!!


Sendy wrote:There's been a lot of talk about theory, melodies and the like. What about people who make music using texture, samples, tape, rhythm, collage, musique concrete, microsound techniques, etc? Is this stuff not music but just "a racket"?
We'll have none of that open-minded talk here. If you can't hum it you can't play it.


I've played "by ear" since the 60's... after all those years I know the fretboard inside out and can tune spot on without a tuner... I do still practice scales however usually on a daily basis - sometimes for hours on end!
Now the proud owner of an avid 11 Rack, Running Pro Tools 10.3.3 - for me it's heaven!


Sendy wrote: What about people who make music using texture, samples, tape, rhythm, collage, musique concrete, microsound techniques, etc? Is this stuff not music but just "a racket"?
i am not sure what you call these individuals... but there are some with "tons" of talent... in some case they do some unbelievable stuff... i.e. amazing!!! being a musician does not make you superior over the guys who make the texture, sample, tape, etc technique... there is just a different skill sets.

you cant wake up in the morning and become of these guys using textures, samples, etc... it takes the same level of intensity to become efficient in this style of music making as a musician puts into his/her craft...

just not sure what to call it... i do not classify it as musician though...


neverenoughfunk wrote:period...
your theory of grammar (isn't the above quote just like me writing 'full stop...'?) is as sound as your theory of what makes a musician.

i'm pretty certain i've seen you trolling this point of view around another forum in the past.

a musician is someone who makes/plays music. full stop...

oh yes, i have an aversion to capital letters.



robojam wrote:Just because you have a problem with people not fitting you narrowly defined definition it doesn't mean that they are not musicians.
You're not a musician if you haven't spent an extended period of time sleeping on someone else's couch. FACT!


macmurphy wrote: i'm pretty certain i've seen you trolling this point of view around another forum in the past.
COOL!!! i am consistent!!!

a musician is someone who makes/plays music. full stop...
just curious... does you opinion carry more weight than mine... just curious..

oh yes, i have an aversion to capital letters.

Last edited by neverenoughfunk on Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.


neverenoughfunk wrote:
You....are.....not Will........iam....Shatner? I....am...........................surprised...
not sure what this means
This... Youtube video... explains... ALL.

Anyway, since the thread asks everyone for our definitions of a musician, yours is perfectly valid. For you. Yay! :-}


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