Yamaha DX7II VSTi

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Instruments Discussion
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Numanoid wrote:Why would otherwise people be hanging on to their MiniMoog with MiniV, Minimonsta, Diva and Monark around?

99,7% of users will be happy with using the plugin version, but that remaining 0,3% group cannot, and tend to be very vocal about why the hardware is so much more special
There are other factors than just "sound" - including nostalgia, sentimentality, intrinsic value, collectibility, the physicality of interacting with a real object etc etc...


Teksonik wrote:But the subject isn't about the MiniMoog. It's about Yamaha's digital synths vs. software digital synths. I too would like to hear audio examples of that "ghost in the machine" when it comes to the DX.
But that is like opening up that ol' can o'worms, because somebody is always going to hear something different when hardware is up against software, there is always some kind of nuance that some people will pick up on, and will spend 10 pages to discuss to death...
Last edited by Numanoid on Tue Aug 20, 2013 1:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Teksonik wrote:I had the opportunity to purchase a TX81Z for $40 a week ago.........and passed. The original 4 Op sounds aren't even worth that much IMHO. I sold my DX7,TX7, and TX81Z years ago and never looked back. I prefer to look at it the other way around.....the DX can't come close to emulating the range and quality of FM8. :shrug:
I feel the same way (for the guy that suggested the FB01 - yuk, it was crap even back in 1986 when it was new!)

I would like a DX5, or DX1, or even TX-802, but not really for the sounds they make, but for other, impractical reasons... (including nostalgia).

Even back then, I never liked the DX synths. There weren't that many people that made them sound good imo - Dave Gamson was one of those, but even then he used to heavily layer the DX7 with analog stuff (eg he used DX7 + MiniMoog a lot for bass).


beely wrote:I feel the same way (for the guy that suggested the FB01 - yuk, it was crap even back in 1986 when it was new!)
That was probably me, but I didn't endorse it ;)

My comment was based on user experiences at VSE:
Paul FitzZaland.com wrote:The FB-01 is a truly underrated little synthesizer.

The bass and synth sounds are outstanding. Patches can be combined, layered, and panned in unique ways not available in it's monotimbral cousins. With one of the easy-to-find editing programs it's a very flexible source of vintage FM sounds.

My thinking was that if the OP can't find a suitable VST replacement for the DX7II, FB01 could be worth a look as it is small and easy to handle.


Yeah, I got what you meant, I just couldn't help wrinkling my face up in disgust! :)

Disclaimer: I still think the DX100 is impossibly cute, and I'm rather annoyed they are trendy and fashionable and therefore sell for six times what they are really worth...


Numanoid wrote: But that is like opening up that ol' can o'worms, because somebody is always going to hear something different when hardware is up against software, there is always some kind of nuance that some people will pick up on, and will spend 10 pages to discuss to death...
Yea and what's your point ? We're on a forum dedicated to discussion of such matters........
None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


beely wrote: Even back then, I never liked the DX synths. There weren't that many people that made them sound good imo - Dave Gamson was one of those, but even then he used to heavily layer the DX7 with analog stuff (eg he used DX7 + MiniMoog a lot for bass).
Bo Tomlyn and my mentor Cosmo Watts did some great sounds for the DX back in the day. When it was first released the DX was an amazing instrument....30 years later it's gotten old and tired.
None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Teksonik wrote:When it was first released the DX was an amazing instrument....30 years later it's gotten old and tired.
Well, there are always things worth exploring in any instrument. The bigger problem is, the DX7 was the beginning of encouraging "synthesists" to become lazy and not make or even customise their own sounds - thus, with hundreds of thousands of DX7's out there, and only a small handful of people making meaningful sounds, it was the same old sounds being used on records time and time again. It became a player's instrument, rather than a synthesiser.

At least people like Eno etc were digging in and trying to find their own sound and voice with the instrument. I'm pretty sure there is still interesting stuff in FM, but I am as tired as the next person of *that* bass and *that* other bass and *that* epiano and *that* FM growley thing and *that* FM digital bright spiky thing and the weak strings and brass and pads. After all, there are plenty of good sounds in FM8 and other synths with FM and so on...


Teksonik wrote: Yea and what's your point ? We're on a forum dedicated to discussion of such matters........
Yup, perfect for those who dig bickering + quarreling :P


beely wrote: the DX7 was the beginning of encouraging "synthesists" to become lazy and not make or even customise their own sounds - thus, with hundreds of thousands of DX7's out there, and only a small handful of people making meaningful sounds, it was the same old sounds being used on records time and time again. It became a player's instrument, rather than a synthesiser.
My experience is completely opposite. The DX7 was the synth that really sparked my interest in synthesis. I had owned analog synths before but they were too limited and got boring very quickly. It was the DX's complexity that gave it appeal at the time. Aided by Dr.T's DX Droid editor librarian with tips and advice from Cosmo Watts I spent many happy hours programming my DX. A lot of the guys I knew were heavily into programming their DX and it looks like others all over the world were too as witnessed by the tens of thousands of patches available. I'm pretty sure after all this time the DX has given up all it's gems. Sure there might be variations on previous sounds but coming up with a truly new and fresh sound on the DX would prove quite nearly impossible. On the other hand because of it's added Waveforms, Filter, and Arp/Sequencer/Effects the FM8 has a long way to go before it will run out of new sounds.
None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Numanoid wrote:
Teksonik wrote: Yea and what's your point ? We're on a forum dedicated to discussion of such matters........
Yup, perfect for those who dig bickering + quarreling :P
Well your post could be considered "bickering + quarreling" so again what's your point ? 90% of the threads at KVR end up in some argument so why should the posting of an audio example of a DX patch be excluded from discussion ?
None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Teksonik wrote:90% of the threads at KVR end up in some argument
Naaah, I reckon 88,51%

So come on lets bicker and quarrel about that, that's what ya want right?


Numanoid wrote:
Teksonik wrote:90% of the threads at KVR end up in some argument
Naaah, I reckon 88,51%

So come on lets bicker and quarrel about that, that's what ya want right?
No it's really not but it seems like you are hell bent on bickering.....all I said is I would be interested in hearing an audio example of the TX802 patch then you went into Net Nanny mode and well here we are......... :roll:
None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Teksonik wrote:No it's really not but it seems like you are hell bent on bickering.....
A case of the pot calling the kettle black me thinks
Teksonik wrote:then you went into Net Nanny mode and well here we are......... :roll:
Yup, let's bring out the "big" guns argument -> Mommie mommie: The other guys are policing me :roll:

If you wanna hear DX sounds for real, why the h*ll did you pass by that module for 40 bucks?


And there goes the thread...

Oh well, I thought it was interesting while it lasted... :(

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