Elektron Analog Heat, thoughts, alternatives...Heat +FX!!!

Anything about hardware musical instruments.


Avoiding Overbridge is all fine by me, I had enough issues with audio over usb anyway on my new computer a year ago. Not jeaparizing that over anything as I found a fix.

I just let external gear record over the full song to make audio tracks and not needing them powered up all the time. If having AH in between synth and audio interface makes no difference.

Since only AH+FX state clearly in manual there is analog path if wanting it, I put a ticket for Elektron support to clarify for all units.

Either way, 96k to Overbridge would be a better thing avoiding aliasing. 4 x 96k over usb 2.x even is no problem.


Actually that's a cool tip about aliasing. Even at 48khz I wouldn't be able to hear it but it might still be there.
<list your stupid gear here>


lfm wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 11:20 am Even looking at mk1 manual I get the impression it's all digital box. It only has the AH features, no extra effects.
- but maybe that is for Overbridge only then

Analog Drive guitar pedal though, states no AD/DA stuff at all in specs. So for a bit I thought AH would be related also having 8 dist effects.
- so maybe it is after all analog circuits in AH
Yes, the mk1 and mk2 are entirely analog circuits (except via Overbridge) and have no DSP effects. To my knowledge, the only differences between the two units are the display, how the inputs sum mono sources, and possibly a little more headroom in the mk2, but I've never owned a mk1 and I don't know if the increased headroom has ever been confirmed by Elektron.
Logic Pro | PolyBrute | MatrixBrute | MiniFreak | Prophet 6 | Trigon 6 | OB-6 | Rev2 | Pro 3 | SE-1X | Polar TI2 | Blofeld | RYTMmk2 | Digitone | Syntakt | Digitakt | Integra-7 | TR-8S | MPC One | TD-3 MO


egbert101 wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 1:41 pm Actually that's a cool tip about aliasing. Even at 48khz I wouldn't be able to hear it but it might still be there.
I've tried a bit to run 96k and there is something about it "that is missing", kind of, compared to 48k.

Something cleaner if this is less aliasing or something else I am not sure. Filtering out 96k samplerate have more distance to audible range, and may need less phase distortion or what it is called due to this. Less steep filter needed.

I've had both Nordlead 2(48k) and now a 2X(96k), but it was 15 years ago I had the first so cannot remember in comparison. But read that some compared more closely and almost felt 2X was too clean, kind of. But all latter Clavia do 96k I AFAIK.

I have the optical outs from preamps to run 96k and inputs on interface too. What complicates is that a Lexicon rack unit only support digital 48k. Either fix that over to analog on/out or get hiddeous expensive Lexicon that do 96k. If I find a second hand I might go for it.
- hiddeous expensive though, my REV2 cost more ;)

Priorities, priorities.....


cryophonik wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 4:22 pm Yes, the mk1 and mk2 are entirely analog circuits
To build analog stuff that probably is up there with Neve in comparison
- I put a video link in Production forum with a mastering engineer that use AH(even using Overbridge)
- respect for sure

I will have a go with Audient ASP 800 HMX and Iron circuits to see what they bring(MOSFET and magnetic drive). At least soundonsound rated it very high and will see. Just tried it shortly for acoustic guitar and did not use it in the end. The guitars sound terrific as they are. Digital synths might be a different story.

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