AcousModules VST and Cubase 4

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Hello Jean-Marc,

could it be that there are some problems running your plugs with Cubase 4?
At least you mention it on your site ;)

I have just begun to work on a 5.1 Surround project with Cubase 4.
The last surround project I did was with Cubase SX 3, and your plugs worked perfectly.
I mostly use SpatPod 5.1 or Minispat.
In Cubase 4, the sound comes through but no panning is possible.
I use the Plugs as insert on a dedicated 5.1 channel where I place a Stereo file.
BTW I noticed that Tony B has adapted his Plugs to Cubase 4 as there were some problem (AFAIK because of the new VST spec) and they work fine now.

Best regards
teacuemusic (Musicals)



Thanks for calling this back to me !

In fact, the last Synthedit build from august must solve this problem.

I have compiled the MiniSpat with it : download it and tell me if this changes something for you (it must be the 1.1a version).
If yes, I will have to recompile all my 6 channels ones :(


Ca marche ! :)
Minispat 1.1a works as expected.
Thanks a lot for your answer and for the recompilation.
I fear you indeed have to do this for the others too.
I am very glad it seems it can work, your positions plugs are really "indispensable" at this moment.

Now I am impatiently waiting for the recompliled "SpatPod 5.1" ;)

Best regards
teacuemusic (Musicals)


BTW "Spatsurround 12" is working.
So just for curiosity, is there a problem only with 6 channel plugs?

Best regards
teacuemusic (Musicals)


Better later than never ! the surround plugins are finaly updated...

I have not Cubase 4 so I cannot verify if they really work or not, the same for the more than 6 channels versions.


Thanks for taking care.

I tried SpatPod 5.1
First no signal is coming through
When you manually connect the insert within Cubase then the signal comes through but no panning is possible.
It means the signal always go to L + R

I didnt try the other one but as I mentioned earlier "Minispat" and "Spatsurround 12" are working as they should.

Best regards
teacuemusic (Musicals)


Can you download the SpatPod again ?

It is a new version where the distance calculations are made on the GUI side. The difference on CPU will be seen during automations.

Note that the Patchs and the automations made for the previous version are not compatible with this one.
Tell me if it works in Cubase 4.



This last version seems to work in Cubase 4.
I cant hear the result as a part of my equipment is outside but looking at the meter, everything seems to be OK now.
Also it is not necessary to manually connect the insert outputs.

Now I am a little bit confused on how center is working now.
In particular I dont understand the relationship with center level and area.

Best regards
teacuemusic (Musicals)

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