My memorymoon cracked?

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Instruments Discussion


I know that warez links are forbidden, but this is the developer posting.

There happened a accident from the cracking group I think , because they left the download link for the instrument at my forum at (I have removed the link now.)

At the crackers webpage there is a forum post saying:

"some fool posted the rapidshare link in the official forum of the product

dude shuld be kicked in da face for real....hole"

The warez link start with the adress [mod edit: partial URL removed; sorry but even for a dev it's not okay] (I have removed the rest.)

I have found the cracker page. It says memorymoon VSTi by XXXXXX. Is that a cracker goup? It also says version 1.3 , the current version 1.4 and has a lot of important fixes, I will update the webpage at the end of the week.

The memorymoon cost only 25 dollars! I have set the price so low that it should be worthless to crack it! And a warning: The instrument has problems with several instances in some hosts that will be fixed in version 1.5 :)

From the size of the download I can see that the new Messiah is not cracked.
The memorymoon has no copy protection, so I guess someone bought it and uploaded it at rapidshare. The demoversion is not possible to crack, because it has audio-dropouts inside the audio engine.

All the best

All the best
Last edited by gunnare on Tue Nov 13, 2007 9:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Sorry to hear about that Gunnare.

If you know the rapidshare links, file a complaint with RS support (

It might be a good idea to watermark your products, that way at least you know which customer should be cutoff from further updates.


they will crack free plugins to remove the splash screen so...there was a thread about it recently that went for like 25 pages
Last edited by Muzik 4 Machines on Tue Nov 13, 2007 9:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.




Yeah your price of $25 is extremely reasonable for the Great Synth that you get. :tu:


Hi gunnare,
please remove the url
The warez link start with the adress www.*****.ws/(I have removed the rest.)
no need to show anybody. ;)

sorry to hear that...

DSP with attitude


I've deleted the partial URL. Sorry about that, gunnare. I too am angry and mystified that anyone would be so lame as to crack good, cheap plug-ins like yours -- that's awfully sleazy.


Just remove it. I will delete the name of the cracking group too.


Amplify is a group that has virtually no pride at all. Nor any reversing skills. They're scavengers that don't crack themselves but put their label on cracks from Air or whomever. Or they just rebrand stuff without copy protection. They are renoun to buy licenses with stolen credit card numbers found on the net. These guys are too poor to even bother with.

Hahaha, I love those self-acclaimed crackers that use a proper keygen from others to create serials which they release under their name, such as "TeAm ArCtIc". Hahaha, sooo embarrassing. LOL

(sorry, couldn't resist a little vent before the thread gets closed)


Sorry you've been cracked, you make some good stuffs for cheap.

ps: Jack Dark wear's a 'I love Amplify' t-shirt in his free Nuclear Cranium plugin! :D They've cracked some of his plugs too.


Hi Gunnare,

sad to hear. Well, as a partial refund i think you had few people trying for the first time or trying again your nice plugin, like me.

I'm on Project 5 and would like to get your plug. Is my host included in those having some issues with multiple instances?

Dream Audio Tools - Sample libraries
Archisounds - Music Website


gunnare wrote:From the size of the download I can see that the new Messiah is not cracked. The memorymoon has no copy protection, so I guess someone bought it and uploaded it at rapidshare. The demoversion is not possible to crack, because it has audio-dropouts inside the audio engine.
Wouldn't it be possible to personalize each copy? For example with some of the buyers real data hidden somewhere in the code? It would not prevent from "cracking" it, but you could detect, who startet spreading his copy...




I dont see any efficient ways of doing this. It might be worth the work for a 150 dollar plugin, but not for 25 dollar plugin.

I have not even uploaded version 1.4 yet. I have just sent it to registered users. So the timing was not good. I had just done a total overhaul of the whole synth with a lot of significant changes, so I did not want any attention before I had put it on my page.

About the host you mentioned. Memorymoon has not been tested in Project 5. The problem is with dual-core CPU , and also in FLS. If you have dual-core CPU it might be better to wait for version 1.5.

All the best


gunnare wrote:
About the host you mentioned. Memorymoon has not been tested in Project 5. The problem is with dual-core CPU , and also in FLS. If you have dual-core CPU it might be better to wait for version 1.5.

All the best

thanks. Unfortunately yes, i have dual core. I'll wait till 1.5. Please keep us informed of the release :)

Dream Audio Tools - Sample libraries
Archisounds - Music Website


There were T-Shirts available at Musikmesse 2006, writing "I pay for my stuff" or something like that on the chest.

Does anybody know where to get those shirts? Might be interesting to wear at several music events.
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