l.o.l.a. - glitchchiptunecoverversion of The Kinks

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So I had this idea to take a rock song and f**k it up with electronic trickery and my voice. I destroyed it, but still, I defy you not to sing along ;)



ok, you win: I'll work on those presets I owe you, but please, stop!
I dig the gameboy "switch on" sound, though... :hihi:
It's not what you use, it's how you use it...


Intresting use of the coin sound from the Super Mario NES games. I must say I like this one better than the original version tho.
Best regards from Johan Brodd.
JoBroMedia since 1996.


Cool track, got me from the start heh...

Love the coin sound!
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Don't click here if you can't control yourself!


This is great. And already has had 13804 plays on lastfm! :hihi:
"God...He's my favourite fictional character." Homer.


You know who this reminds me of?


Must be some sort of developer abberance!

It's cool enough that I'll forgive you for getting Weird Al's "Yoda" stuck in my head for an hour!

Truly, truly odd.


screamin' solid solid stuff, dlM. I love this. MY kind of twisted shit. Completely irreverent, but undeniably perfectly executed.
Greg Hawkes ate the Mario Brothers for dinner and this is what he dreamed of.
(hits play again for the 3rd time today...) :love:


a great song is a great song.

does occur to me though...the vocal... you don't seem to have applied the same rigour to that as you have to the music. do you know what i mean? :oops:


hehe, thanks all for checking out my efforts at singing one of those earworm songs that lodge themselves in your branium

@ clueless - well rigour isn't a word I would use for any of this, but I know what you mean. This track is a 24 hr special, with the wife and kids out of the house, I had a rare opportunity to actually record myself (only the second time I have ever recorded vocals) and I spent most of that time swearing at my laptop and sound card because the asio drivers were doing their best to save you all from my wailing. I managed 4 takes where the laptop didn't decide to randomly add about 1s of latency and cobbled together a 'best of' from those. You should hear the 'worst of' complete with coughing, phone ringing, car alarms and several instances of lyrical constipation :) anyway, yes, it's far far far from rigourous. But fun :)


believe me, i understand... :hihi:

be nice to hear it after you've had the opportunity to give the vox a really good going over though . :)


Yeah, I totally understand that! *all* my extant vocals are "quick, no ones around for once, you get 3 takes and comp it best you can!"

You sound... much, much tougher than I'd have imagined. I sound like a young offspring of Vince Neil and Babyface even though I picked up the back end of a small car today... weird how that works.


hahahaha :)

Now, that's a good reaction. Very... hmmm... orginal. You're one f**ked up person, de la Mancha, you know that? But that's the best compliment you can get from me :)

A guy with serious GAS and lots of unused VSTs. But if I someday need them...




:D sounds like Lola could be scared of you too. Nice one!

(love your vst/vsti's too, is this a proper place to make that statement?)


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