Blofeld Editor for OSX available

Anything about hardware musical instruments.


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Hey all,
I've been working on a blofed editor built in MaxMsp on and off for about a week.
I still need to do a little work on the arpeggiator section, but everything else seems to be working fine. Below are links to both the editor file and some pics of the current revision, as well as a link to the Max 5 runtime which you will need to run the app. It only runs as a standalone as max5 has no ability to make plugins at the moment

Editor: ... ld_Editor/ (

Pics: ( (

Max 5 runtime: (

*features include*
- get sound from synth, updates virtual editor with current sound buffer data
- Full control over all parameters including FX, Modifier, Modulation (Arp to be completed)
- onscreen feedback when parameters are changed on hardware

*To do*
- Finish Arp section and controls
- Devise a send patch with text input or possible librarian section
- implement some sort of monome arpeggiator controls
- implement Multi editing

- Under Global on the Blofeld, set ctrl send type as sysex/cc, ctrl receive to on, local control on
- In the Editor select the midi I/O and set input and output to appropriate blofeld channels.
- In the Editor hit get sound (bottom center), editor will update settings and away you go!

Let me know if you guys have any problems with this and I would be happy to help to the best of my abilities.


Saw this over on Matrixsynth and tried to post there to say a HUGE thank you from all OS X users!


Off to try this now!



Hey dave,
your very welcome! glad it's of use. I just wanted to let you know that I've update the editor to version beta_1_062.

Its available at the same link posted in my initial message. It now has multi support, full arpeggiator support, checks for items selected in the menu listings, generic user wavetable slots in the oscillator shapes menu, and some fixes to small bugs here and there.



Hi Carson!

Thanks so much for continuing this. Not really had a chance to test it out but have time set aside this weekend to try it out :)

It really does look wonderfully, logically laid out and HAS got to be 1000% better than VirtualBox or VM Ware for using the Windows editors!

Thanks again! Im sure I'll have silly questions as I go :)

Have a great weekend!



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Hey Dave,
Happy its of use to you!

there is a new version (beta_1_065) available at (

it has many improvements and important fixes, please go download it as some of the earlier revisions had errors that made many parameters unstable if not unusable.



Hi Carson!

I bought my Blofeld AGES ago and really didnt have the time to get too deep into it apart from making sure it worked (I got the SL upgrade and have not used it yet- eeek!) - so I wouldnt be a guru or anything. In fact, Im just going through some downloaded banks to find my way around.

Your editor is WONDERFUL - very straight forward and simple to use :) Thank you so much for this. Im fast falling in love with my Blofeld and this editor is a HUGE bonus! Getting patch data from the synth displayed on the editor was a eureka moment for me :)

If I may ask - would a Max4Live version be possible? That would mean sequencing any changes made quite easily :)

Anyhoo - thanks again for this. If it means anything, the editor has inspired me to pay much closer attention to my Blofeld and actually begin to play with it!




Awesome Dave! I'm very very happy the editor is getting you to dig deeper into the blofeld. Unfortunately I don't have max for live yet, otherwise I would like to port it for M4L. I should be able to pick up a copy in the not to distant future though. I also really need to pick up a license SL key, I haven't played with using samples as oscillator sources, but I can imagine how cool it must be!


Hey Carson!

Thanks again mate! I have Max5 and M4L - would it be as straight forward as compiling the patch (like it was for vst) I wonder? I'd be glad to help if this were something you would be interested in...

Anyhoo - thanks again man!


i figured this out and i must say it's outstanding!
Great work!

Any librarian on tap?


Well Carson, let me say you did a really useful tool for the mac scene. My compliments and thnx so much. And btw, it works fine also on a hackintosh ;)
Which will be the next step? maybe some lib manage features?

However, I'd like to ask you some more midi setup options if possible... let me explain...
Actually I have the Blofeld linked via usb and with the midipreferences window I set the right in and out port. So, I can import to your cool tool the sound opened on the blofeld, and for example I can set the hardware volume moving the software slide.

But... I have my midi keyboard linked via midi cable to a Bcf2000, which is linked to the workstation via usb too.

So, I can't play notes when I use your tool. Because I would need to config on your software to accept midi-in also from another port, and drive it to the Blofeld.
Would be possible?


Hi IvanG!

Dont know if this is any help but - when Im using the editor, I also have Ableton Live 8 open with m Korg nanoKey as input and the Blofeld USB out as the midi out... Live (or any host for that matter) passes the notes so I can audition patch changes :)


thnx for the idea mckenic, I thought the tool could keep the ports busy, instead open it over my daw let me play the keyboard as well and then listen the sound.

but... don't understand what's happening now. Moving the slides on the software editor, let the midi led on blofeld blinking, so I suppose it's receiving the controls. But nothing changes on the preset sound.

I checked the config under global option, and the ctrl send type are on Ctrl+SysEx, and the Ctrl receive is on... but don't find the "local control" option... could be for this reasons that my changes didn't modify the blofeld preset?



Hey Ivan!

Your set-up sounds right... sorry if this is silly but are you clicking the box 'Get sound 1-16' that is towards the bottom right?


That should load the current settings from the Blofeld preset you are on and enable your editing...

Hope this helps!



yes sure, I do in that way, and succesfully load the presets...
But when for example I move the volume slide on the software tool, on the Blofeld I see that the midi signals are coming, but nothing change. The volume output is still at the original level...

Btw, on first message of this post, under the setup instructions, I read about the need to set the "local control", but it's a voice I don't found in the menu.


IvanG wrote: Btw, on first message of this post, under the setup instructions, I read about the need to set the "local control", but it's a voice I don't found in the menu.
Hey IvanG!

Sorry for the delay - hope this helps.

Hold 'Shift+Global' for a few seconds.
You should see 'Global Display'.
Use the main scroll wheel and scroll to 'Global Midi'.
There should be 4 pages... page 3 is for 'Local Control' and page 4 is 'CTRL Send + CTRL Receive'.



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