Noisemaker triangle sync sound

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Hi, Noisemaker is an amazing bit of kit, but I've found the 'pinging' sound when you do a sync sweep with a triangle waveform a bit unusual and distracting.

I know you do get periods of rough and smooth noise as the waveform moves from triangle-like to sawtooth-like and back again, but in Noisemaker there is something else, like the waveform is jittering (changing polarity rapidly on an oscilloscope), that I don't get on any other synths.

Not so much a complaint (though I wouldn't argue it if was removed :P) as curiosity at what seems to be an oddity to me.

The 6db resonant lowpass is amazing, BTW. I don't know what you put in it but it's morish :)


I like that effect. To get rid of it though, just use a sine wave instead...


Sendy wrote:Hi, Noisemaker is an amazing bit of kit, but I've found the 'pinging' sound when you do a sync sweep with a triangle waveform a bit unusual and distracting.

I know you do get periods of rough and smooth noise as the waveform moves from triangle-like to sawtooth-like and back again, but in Noisemaker there is something else, like the waveform is jittering (changing polarity rapidly on an oscilloscope), that I don't get on any other synths.

Not so much a complaint (though I wouldn't argue it if was removed :P) as curiosity at what seems to be an oddity to me.
I thought that this would be something to discuss, it can sound really wired :) Its a bipolar sync. This means that the triangle sync plolarity depends on the triangle slope. You get a ringing triangle if the triangle osc is detuned to the sub osc, then it can be that the sync for example hits five rising slopes and then one falling slope. You get also special results if you modulate the triangle pitch with sync enabled.

I tried also to make a triangle sync that always sync's to the same direction, but this introduced aliasing. I also tried to sync the triangle only if the sync hits a rising slope, but this sounded wired too.
I dont know if there is a rule for handling something as a triangle sync, its a special one and there are different solutions. Maybe i have to switch on my old virus a and show how it works there.

Like the effect too, thought that i heared something like this on some infected mushroom tracks.
TAL Software GmbH


Thanks for your input Togu. I have to say I do like the unique sound a lot... Anything unique in synth design gets my attention immediately, as 99% of synths are the same old same old...

My problem with it is that the effect is quite a bit percussive. If we could get the 'pings' to happen dead on the beat, it would be amazing... I might try that actually. :)


Actually slightly off-topic - I was playing with the pwm and wondered if I shifted the signal in stereo to cross peak->trough, meaning that buzz is most pronounced in the left channel whilst square is most pronounced in the right channel, and evolves the length of the sustain.

Well, it sounds great - but how can I opposite sync the two instances' LFO's? Is it possible do you think?

Or would it require an entirely new specialty synth?

Anyway I've got to get back to my 'realworld noises' synth...


blueghost wrote:Actually slightly off-topic - I was playing with the pwm and wondered if I shifted the signal in stereo to cross peak->trough, meaning that buzz is most pronounced in the left channel whilst square is most pronounced in the right channel, and evolves the length of the sustain.

Well, it sounds great - but how can I opposite sync the two instances' LFO's? Is it possible do you think?

Or would it require an entirely new specialty synth?

Anyway I've got to get back to my 'realworld noises' synth...
Think i understand your idea. It should be possible to sync the lfos if you disable key trigger and enable sync. This synces the LFO to the host tempo, then it should be possible to modulate the PWN the opposite way, but i dont know if i have implemented a negative pwm modulation, but i think it should work.
TAL Software GmbH

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