Minimoog Model D & Silent Way

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I recently have been trying out the demo of Silent Way with my Minimoog, but with little success. I have the correct cable for the s-trig and have hooked this up to the output of my MOTU-828. I have calibrated, can trigger notes etc. etc. However the problem is the V to pitch scaling on the CV is never right.
I have tried calibrating 4 or 5 times, and what happens is that some of the notes will be tuned correctly but others will be off. For instance it's like every B in each octave is off, but Cs are fine. Is this because Silent Way just tunes one note per octave? Can you get it to do each note individually? I'm not saying the Moog is in perfect condition, but it stays in tune well when you play it manually.
Any help is gratefully received - ultimately if I can get this to work I will be buying Silent Way, but as it stands it's not usable for me.


Sounds odd - should work fine.

Individual note tuning is on the to-do list, but is not possible yet. Well, you could do it by hand, but it would be tedious.

Something you could try would be to reduce the range of pitches it tries to tune, resulting in more calibration points per octave. You'd do that by reducing the Pitch level on output 1 in the Output Matrix of the Voice Controller. E.g. try setting it to 0.5 instead of the default 1.0 and see how that changes things.


OK, I'll try that. What appears to happen when it tunes, is that the lower end and higher end of the range aren't doing anything, and there's a ramp in the middle. Oddly, I've notice if you recalibrate the position (but not the length/scale) of the ramp on the little tuning graph changes. Sorry if I'm not expressing myself very clearly there!


A picture (or better yet, a video) speaks a thousand words!

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