Pretty New, Any Advice

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Hey guys, I'm pretty new here, been stalking these forums for a bit. I've really gotten interested in making music, especially Electronic Dance Music, so I was hoping for some tips in what I should be looking at to help me move forward in making my own music. Especially interested in VSTs and MIDI controllers, as well as advice for playing live, when I decide I'm ready for that.

Here's some stuff I have and use. I only started like 2-3 months ago.

Pro Tools 10 Academic.
Sibelius 7.
Eleven Rack.
Mac OS X 10.7.2
KRK VXT6 Monitors.
MXL-4000 Mic.
Melodyne Editor.
Omnisphere & Trillian [Getting in the mail today. :)]

Also getting advice on acoustic treatments and such, but that's another topic all together, talking to some people who specialize on this in real life.

So here are my four main questions or areas of interest.

1)Since I use PT10, I'm limited to AudioSuite, RTAS, and TDM plug-ins, I've heard of VST to RTAS Adapter program by fxpansion and about KORE2. Only interested in trying to get KORE2, but if I can't, I'd like to avoid using plug-ins that are VST or AU only. That aside, what are some good plug-ins to get or to demo out(such as instruments, fx, & etc)?

2)I currently use an old MIDI Keyboard, but as you may guess, it's not optimal. Currently interested in the M-Audio Axiom Pro 49, but open to suggestions. I'm also interested in a MIDI Drumpad, but not exactly sure what to look for. Quite interested in the Novation Launchpad, but would it be good for Pro Tools?

3)This basically goes a back bit to 1 & 2. Should I consider getting Ableton Live 8? I'd still do everything in PT, I'm just so used to PT10. Probably wouldn't want to switch completely either, since people I've met who work with sound and music, are usually using PT more than any other DAW. But this is the people I know, and I'd like to be able to easily transition my work to their studios and stuff. But would Ableton Live be easy to learn and work well with PT, I'm more interested in just using for live stuff, rather than as my primary DAW, any feedback on this be nice.

4)Finally, I've never done anything live, and don't expect to for a while, but anything I should expect? Ways to prepare and get ready when I feel I'm at that level?

Thanks to anybody who gives any advice on the four areas I've mentioned.


For playing Live Ableton is the way to go. I'm very happy using it as my main production DAW too. The initial learning curve can be a bit steep, but Live 8 with a Launchpad is a seriously great live setup.


More than likely getting Live 8 at this point. But not sure I want to get Logic. I'm trying to avoid that. Pro Tools has been pretty solid for me. Probably look into Logic a bit though. Thanks for the advice.
thecontrolcentre wrote:For playing Live Ableton is the way to go. I'm very happy using it as my main production DAW too. The initial learning curve can be a bit steep, but Live 8 with a Launchpad is a seriously great live setup.
That's good too hear, more than likely getting Live 8 then. Probably won't use it as my main DAW though. Hopefully, I'm able to learn it without much trouble.


Live Suite has all the synths and instruments plus Sampler included. Live does not include the native instruments except drumracks and simpla( a cut down version of Sampler)Suite is the way to go if you are serious.
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risome wrote:Live Suite has all the synths and instruments plus Sampler included. Live does not include the native instruments except drumracks and simpla( a cut down version of Sampler)Suite is the way to go if you are serious.
I see, thanks! I'll definitely look at getting Suite then.


RikusHaven wrote:
thecontrolcentre wrote:For playing Live Ableton is the way to go. I'm very happy using it as my main production DAW too. The initial learning curve can be a bit steep, but Live 8 with a Launchpad is a seriously great live setup.
That's good too hear, more than likely getting Live 8 then. Probably won't use it as my main DAW though. Hopefully, I'm able to learn it without much trouble.
Live 8 Lite is free from the Ableton website until the end of May, and if you pick up a Launchpad you get Live Launchpad edition with it for free.

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