RapidComposer as plugin on OSX

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I'm just curious to know if there are plans making RapidComposer into a plugin on OSX?

AU format would be prefered as the integration in Login will be much smoother.


Will there be a login version for Windows available?


Yes, the VST plug-in version will be built after the initial bugs are fixed in the OS X version. I expect an update will be posted in the next few days with several fixes for crashing and non-crashing bugs.

>Will there be a login version for Windows available?

What do you mean? :-

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


musicdevelopments wrote:Yes, the VST plug-in version will be built after the initial bugs are fixed in the OS X version. I expect an update will be posted in the next few days with several fixes for crashing and non-crashing bugs.
any update on the vst plug-in for OSX? will it be a 32 or 64 bit plugin?


It seems there are no more bugs in the OSX version - at least none reported -, so we can soon start to build a VST version.

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


musicdevelopments wrote:It seems there are no more bugs in the OSX version - at least none reported -, so we can soon start to build a VST version.

wondering if you can give an update on the following?

vst plug-in for osx

and possibly the videos you were working on?

thank you


Thank you for your question.
Development of the VST plug-in on OS X is halted for some time because we concentrate on Version2 development.
Videos will probably not be done for the current version, but the user interface of V2 allows inserting small explanation videos inside the program, so we will do that. E.g. clicking on a button will show you the workflow as an animation.

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


I know that it's hard to commit to a time plan but is version 2 planned to be released this year?


Hi ZooTooK!

Yes, it is hard to commit to a time plan :) but version2 will definitely be released this year.

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


Thanks for the update!


Just installed the Mac demo yesterday. This thing has really got my attention. It's for serious music composers, not loop spinners. It's robust with useful writing tools. I've been waiting for an app/plug that would take the Yamaha QY20 approach into the composers stratosphere. This is it. I know I've only scratched the surface of it, but i'd sure like to see some youtubes from a savvy user.

A VSTi version for many Mac hosts would be very nice but an AU version for Logic users would also be a huge plus. Could that come in a later update? How does this work as a plugin? Do we launch multiple instances of it in multiple tracks?, or do we only launch it once? Also, Sylenth 1 presets show in standalone, but Addictive Drums only shows the Startup kit. These are the only plugs I've tried so far.

Keep up the amazing work. I could see myself buying this very soon. :wink:



thank you for your kind words.
Yes, there are plans for a VST version on the mac, and it would be nice to have an AU version. These will come after version 2 is released in early December. (We are working on a cleaner, redesigned user interface and better workflow for V2).

On the PC when the VST plug-in is loaded it handles 16 channels (a VST API limitation). If needed you can load other instances of RapidComposer.dll and you can still edit all the tracks (maximum 128) in the same editor window. Of course there are no transport controls in RapidComposer as the host does all the transport control.

At the moment I am suffering with building RapidComposer on OS X 10.8; unfortunately Apple does not make our job easy with all those deprecated functions and changed APIs and development tools between OS updates.

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


One Instance of this with 16 channels is plenty for the soft synths and sampler plugs I use. I'm showing 6.7% process for Rapid (in standalone), Not bad for a robust program like this. I have many plugs that use more. I could see myself spending a lot of time in the RapidComposer environment at the beginning of a project to utilize the "absolute and parametric" concept and just export to midi files if more CPU is needed. Very cool.

The GUI's pretty easy on the eyes. At first, I didn't think I liked the way the undo worked but now I find it superior to what I've been used to. It gets you right where you want to be in minimal time.

Looking forward to the "cleaner, redesigned, better workflow" for V2.


funkystrings wrote: A VSTi version for many Mac hosts would be very nice but an AU version for Logic users would also be a huge plus.
I just learned that although the AU spec allows for sending midi from a plug it's not implemented in Logic. As all other hosts on OSX loads VST plugs there little gain in making a AU plug just for Logic when AU plugs in Logic can't send midi anyway... :-o


ZooTooK wrote:
funkystrings wrote: A VSTi version for many Mac hosts would be very nice but an AU version for Logic users would also be a huge plus.
I just learned that although the AU spec allows for sending midi from a plug it's not implemented in Logic. As all other hosts on OSX loads VST plugs there little gain in making a AU plug just for Logic when AU plugs in Logic can't send midi anyway... :-o
whether there is gain or not in catering to logic users is his decision. if he made an AU it would only need to output midi to the IAC, from there it can be easily routed back in to Logic.

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