graphics problem

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Hello Calle, I am not able to use TX16 at all on my main music laptop due to the graphics being severely compromised. I have included some screenshots and details of my graphics in this pdf file, including a comparison with another (working) laptop. ... avp437.pdf

(sorry about my junior status on KVR, you'll need to cut and paste that URL)


You didn't say which version you tried, so I'll guess its one before b16. The issue you're having should be fixed, and is due to some W7 machines treating font drawing through direct2d somewhat differently. The graphics path in the latest drop (2.0 b16a) should handle this. If not, let me know, because then I have more problems... :-)
TX16Wx Software Sampler:


Hi again Calle, I have updated to 2.0 b16a and things are much better, to the point that I can use it on the machine with the intel HD graphics, but the text is still partly cropped in buttons. I can supply screenshots if it's any help.



Yes, show me where it still crops. I'll try to weed out that too.
TX16Wx Software Sampler:


Last edited by guitarturtle on Wed Oct 31, 2012 11:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.


The magic 5th post... 8)


guitarturtle wrote:OK, here goes... ... 47g23h.pdf

I am really stumped on this issue. I can only imagine it is some weird side effect of your laptops screen running at a non-96dpi resolution, but I cannot for my life figure out why it happens. I've tried to emulate this by running at various DPI settings in VM:s and on my various laptops, but everything works fine.

To explain why I'm extra baffled: The text render path of the UI is surprisingly windows friendly. It simply determines the area on which the text should appear (lets say the button), the formatting (centered, both horizontally and vertically in that case), then calls D2D1 DrawText with the bounding box, and a Dwrite textformat. Thus Direct2D (windows API) gets to decide all aspects of exactly how the text should be drawn, which on most machines works fine, i.e it will place the text properly. But apparently not on your lenovo... :-P

At the risk of sounding daft or condescending, but have you run windows update and updated the graphics card driver? I doubt its that simple, its more likely something subtle I do wrong, but it couldn't hurt (much)...
TX16Wx Software Sampler:


Hey Calle, yep it sounds really strange, seeing that you have tested with various VMs.

It is probably due to some lenovo graphics 'tweak', and I'm no expert on graphics at all. I did check that my drivers are latest, and the windows 7 display options are exactly the same as my other win 7 laptop where everything runs fine.

I'm going to poke around a bit with graphics options if I can find any. I'll get back to you if I find the culprit. (stupid OEM mods)

Direct anyone else with a lenovo thinkpad edge 520 to this thread :help:

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