Recording MIDI from multiple controllers and playback to racks?

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Cantabile seems like one of the best live VST solutions out there.

I have a question regarding MIDI recording.

My goal is to do virtual sound checks by recording all audio and midi data pre plug-in.

I have multiple midi devices to different racks. When I record MIDI, it seems to only record all the midi into one file. I am not sure how to parse the MIDI info so that it gets played back with it's respective MIDI device.

Sorry if this is a newb question, I can't seem to find how to do this in the manual. It's easy if just one device is used, but multiple MIDI devices is throwing me off.

Thanks in advanced!


I'm not sure that a midi file is 'port conscious'.

The only way I can envisage making this work is to make sure that each of your controllers transmits on unique channels. In this way you can use the midi routing table or each rack's filters to route the appropriate data from the midi file to the required racks.


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