Mux Modular 6.1.27 (Reaper, Linux)

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I just want to report that Mux beta 6.1.27 doesn't work with Reaper in Linux (Wine).

I know it's not your commercial environment, but because 5.5.1 was very stable in the same environment, I thought you should know.

Mux asks initial serial, accepts it. Then if I try to play an instrument, it crashes. Reload, same result.

I went already back to 5.5.1, but if there are new versions to test, please tell... :lol:


A pity to hear that. Strange, after some quick thinking i have no idea why. Is it exactly when sending a note event to MUX that it crashes? Did you try MUX 5 and MUX 6 in other Linux hosts as well? Any more feedback info from these tests? Anyway, please note that Linux indeed is not a supported platform (yet) so i can't really investigate this now. I will rather invest R&D time to get MUX Modular on Mac. Sorry but there only are limited R&D resources and so i have to make choices. But if a simple couple of diagnostic questions and answers would reveal the reason, i'll try to make MUX Modular compatible again.


Very strange results from tests, partially positive!

If I try to play the default instrument, Basic Synth, right at the start, MUX crashes. But if I change instrument, I can play! Even Basic Synth plays, if I play something else first.

However, initial crash doesn't change, if notes come from MIDI keys or from MIDI track.

My guess is that something is left un-initialized when MUX is started and it's only initialized after instrument is changed. If so, this probably is not Linux only issue...?


No such similar reports for MUX VST for Windows. At the contrary: MUX 6 is more host-friendly than MUX 5.


As Linux user I want to tell that I haven't same bug. Mux 6.1.27 is working very well. I use reaper with wine too. Maybe it's wine problem? What version of wine and linux distribution do you use?


There is have only one not critical problem with Mux in linux + wine + reaper. It's front panel design issue, I can add only "analog-style" controllers on panel and only using right click on parameter -> context menu item (i don't remember the name of the menu item but it's called something like "drag parameter to the front panel") and after that I can drag'n'drop it to the front panel. Other parameters such switches or osc frames are not drag'n'drop-able (does this word exist?). I solve it using free MuLab. Inside MuLab Mux works properly even on linux.
I think it's problem of reaper windows in wine, mostly.
Maybe you have ability to add this menu item in context menu to other parameter-types?


ABOBA wrote:As Linux user I want to tell that I haven't same bug. Mux 6.1.27 is working very well. I use reaper with wine too. Maybe it's wine problem? What version of wine and linux distribution do you use?
I have Wine 1.7.18. But I guess I can live with the problem, now that I know the workaround. I am not willing to upgrade Wine because I have huge amount of Windows applications working. (Commercial synths, 3D software etc.) It would take days to ensure everything works.

However, it might be possible to use Mulab. Interesting. Maybe I'll try that later. :D

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