Any suitable host for my demands?

Audio Plugin Hosts and other audio software applications discussion
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I'm currently looking for a good Host/Sequencer to fit the following requirements:

-It should support the common standards (VST,VSTi,ASIO) and the common file formats
-It should have a audio sequencer where i can easyly work loop based and pitch, stretch or cut my samples
-It needn't have MIDI support, but one should be able to record the audio output of a VSTi to the sequencer.
-It should be quite easy and intuitive to use

It needn't have very sophisticated features like 5.1, countless tracks or something like that :?

I tried energyXT, which i like, but either i didn't get the point or it has no audio editing features (despite from the fact that you can load for example beatslicer in it).

To say it shortly, i want to make music, not science :wink:


Have you tried krystal audio engine? It doesn't have mdid support but you can load vst effects, and I was thinking that maybe you could load a vst host (a free one) into the effects vst and record that , and krystal is ffree by the way, good luck


maximilians1 wrote:Have you tried krystal audio engine? It doesn't have mdid support but you can load vst effects, and I was thinking that maybe you could load a vst host (a free one) into the effects vst and record that , and krystal is ffree by the way, good luck
Nope scratch that , wishfull thinking on my part, sorry :oops:

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