TX16Wx fails Logic 10.6.2 (Big Sur) validation

Official support for: tx16wx.com
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Here's the relevant bit. I've tried both the release 3.5e and beta 3.5f versions.

Code: Select all


Reported Channel Capabilities (explicit):
      [-2, -24]  

Input/Output Channel Handling:
1-1   1-2   1-4   1-5   1-6   1-7   1-8   2-2   2-4   2-5   2-6   2-7   2-8   4-4   4-5   5-5   6-6   7-7   8-8
X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X     X                                         

# # AudioChannelLayouts (2), Input Scope:
ChannelLayout is Writable: T
The Unit publishes the following Channel Layouts:
  0x640001, 0x650002, 

Is Audio Channel Layout Available:
Mono    Stereo  Binau.  AU_4    Ambi.   AU_5    AU_5_0  AU_6    AU_6_0  AU_7_0  AU_7_0F AU_8    AU_5_1  AU_6_1  AU_7_1  AU_7_1F 
X       X                                                                                                                       
ERROR: 4099 IN CALL Problem with initial Channel layout state

WARNING: Source AU supports multi-channel output but does not provide a channel layout

* * FAIL

validation result: Validierung nicht bestanden


Which version of auval is this? I unfortunately do not have access to Logic 10.6.2.
TX16Wx Software Sampler:


Code: Select all

❯ auval -h
    AU Validation Tool
    Version: 1.8.0
    Copyright 2003-2019, Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    Specify -h (-help) for command options


Just checked a bit further, this only fails in the arm64 version of auval. I realize that TX16Wx is currently intel-64 only, but anyway, maybe that's helpful information.


Yeah, sorry, if this fails on a M1 then my hands are tied. Eventually I might be able to set up fat binaries with actual, verified, arm code, but if this is rosetta talking, then until proven otherwise, I am guessing the fault lies in the translator.
TX16Wx Software Sampler:


Just checking in on this. The failure remains with Logic 10.7 (auval 1.8.0). Any chance of an arm-native compile (even as a beta) -- in most cases, it's just a compiler flag away...?


Unfortunately, since TX relies on third-party libraries and more importantly, library management systems (i.e. vcpkg), it is a little more complicated than that. Building fat binaries more or less requires linking with fat libraries, which currently is very sporadically supported...
TX16Wx Software Sampler:


We generally make two builds (with static linking to arch-specific libs) and then use lipo to create a universal build. Of course, you can do the lipo step earlier for your libs and then link the plugins universally, if you want. Anyway, presumably that's all not news to you. But I do understand the complexity and hope it's ultimately worth the trouble to get something running on the current line of macOS processors. Thanks for considering it.


Yes, I know how linking works. I also know I don't want to break a build system shared across several products and OS:es to deal with Apples annoying shenanigans if I can avoid it. Especially since I don't own a M1 mac yet, and have no way of verifying the results properly.
TX16Wx Software Sampler:

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