Chorus for Bass

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Effects Discussion
Bass Chorus BLEASS Chorus RP-AMOD Syntorus 2


Back in the dark, primeval past of VST there was a chorus plugin made specifically for bass with the appropriate name "Bass Chorus" made by Clone Ensemble. It's still technically available but it's 32 bit only. Since I play bass, I thought I would go through the modern chorus plugins to find ones that work as bass chorus.

What makes a chorus appropriate for bass? A low-cut filter. Gotta keep your bottom end clean.

I haven't found many, but my search wasn't exhaustive. If anyone knows of more, feel free to let us know.

In order of how I found them...

1. RP-Amod by Rob Papen (free with purchase)

2. Syntorus2 by d16 (€59)

3. BLEASS Chorus by BLEASS ($16.99) ... op-plugin/

...and that's it. Recommended by simplicity (important for bassists) is BLEASS Chorus. Recommended by cost is RP-Amod, as long as you want to buy some other Rob Papen plugin. I do like Syntorus2 even though it's comparatively expensive and feels needlessly complex to me.

As far as I can tell, none of these are true bass choruses*. Their low cuts truly cut out the bass, which means you need to mix some of the dry signal back in and that means there are also unaffected highs coming back into the mix. If I understand things correctly, a bass chorus will split the signal for a clean low end and affected high end.

* RP-Amod might be able to do it right. Need to RTFM.

Suggested by others below:

1. Multiply by Acon Digital (free)

2. MChorusMB by Melda Productions ($72)

3. Uhbik-F by u-he (149 € bundle)

4. HY-MBMFX by HY-Plugins ($48 or free version)

5. Thorus by UVI ($79)

6. Multipass by kiloHearts ($99)

If you don't see your suggestion above it's probably because I wasn't able to find a low-cut filter. My intention is to list plugins that allow you to add a chorus effect that doesn't muddy up the low end (has a low-cut filter).
Last edited by pough on Sat Aug 14, 2021 5:15 pm, edited 4 times in total.
the old free version may not work boots successfully on new generations of computers, instruments, and hardware


Sorry I don't have the nerves to read through this mess


rasmusklump wrote: Fri Aug 13, 2021 3:27 pm Sorry I don't have the nerves to read through this mess
Apology accepted.
the old free version may not work boots successfully on new generations of computers, instruments, and hardware


While these may not be simple (bassists, am I right?), you could probably try things like:

1. Create a send, add a HP filter, add a chorus at 100% wet, blend to taste - just watch out for any bad phase issues (i.e. check mono to make sure your bass doesn't disappear)

2. Use a Multi-band plugin host like Blue-Cat's MB-7, create two bands: place any chorus you want on the high band (including the built-in chorus), adjust the cutoff point to taste - save as preset - done! Could probably do the same with MetaPlugin, and others.

3. If your DAW has modular plugin routing, you might be able to do the same thing: split the signal into two bands, place a chorus on the high band, set the cutoff point, done!


^^^^^^Yep.....this is how I approach my live rig as well. I run a bi amped system crossed at 150 hz and put chorus only on the high side. Any chorus will work really.
We jumped the fence because it was a fence not be cause the grass was greener.


Has an eq which is applied just to the effected signal


I would say, flanger sounds better, even tho technically....but yeah, more flanger


I think all that is likely going on with a "bass chorus"is the low end beyond a certain point is bypassed via a crossover, and everything above that crossover point is processed e.g 100hz and below bypassed, everything above 100hz processed. So to answer your question, any multiband chorus will do, or you can just setup the split yourself

I find multi-tracking a better option in a recording scenario at least, guess it's a no go in a performance scenario. You can control the degree of cancellation then versus the random mess that chorus can sometimes create


donkey tugger wrote: Fri Aug 13, 2021 4:20 pm

Has an eq which is applied just to the effected signal
Looks nice! And free!
the old free version may not work boots successfully on new generations of computers, instruments, and hardware


Just for the record - and I'm not trying to scold anyone - I am not looking for methods to apply bass-style chorus; I am collecting a list of chorus plugins that are capable of being bass choruses. There are probably viewers who do want to know about alternative methods, though, so thank you for your information.

For me, I'm going to keep exploring various plugins that can do what I want, or a least come close. I like a single-plugin solution. It's like finding a good pedal. It pleases me.
the old free version may not work boots successfully on new generations of computers, instruments, and hardware


Try MChorusMB from Melda Productions..


pough wrote: Fri Aug 13, 2021 4:47 pm
donkey tugger wrote: Fri Aug 13, 2021 4:20 pm

Has an eq which is applied just to the effected signal
Looks nice! And free!
It's one of the best choruses I have, and I have a bunch of 'em.
A well-behaved signature.


It’s part of a bundle but Uhbik-C does the job. Ubermod also.
gadgets an gizmos..make noise Restocked: 3/24
old stuff
if this post is edited -it was for punctuation, grammar, or to make it coherent (or make me seem coherent).


any chorus plugin can be used for bass, but my favourite chorus plugin is arturia juno chorus. also check out eventide tricerachorus. kuassa also make a decent free chorus, and the delay plugin can be made into chorus using the delay mod knob


oops, kuassa chorus is cheap, not free

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