apShaper Feature request - adjustable latency for Look-ahead

Official support for: www.apulsoft.ch


Lately I started to dig into dynamics module and I really like it. But I noticed look-ahead adds 50ms latency, which, in my opinion, is too long for practical use.
It would be great if there was an option to adjust the latency.


Yes you are correct, it's using 50 ms of latency and a delay to allow adjustable lookahead. If your host/DAW supports latency correction, that latency is going to be compensated by sending audio early, so for mixing it shouldn't be a problem - or you need a host with proper latency correction. Of course for realtime-usage, 50ms is too much - so lookahead cannot be used. The plugin latency cannot just change to the lookahead value as most hosts don't like latency changes very much and sending them out most of the time leads to choppy audio - that's why I used the fixed 50ms - lookahead adjustments can be checked without interrupting audio.

At one point I had multi-tier latency reporting, so it would send out 5ms/10ms/20ms/50ms when lookahead surpassed the respective numbers. I could look into that again, but first let me ask.. what is your use-case and host app?

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