DeeLay GUI Knob does not work in Cakewalk

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Cakewalk Latest + DeeLay v1.4.0

Sound does not change after I turn the knobs in the GUI.
I'll check other plugins compatibility with Cakewalk when I have chance :tu:


Thank you very much, is this happening with the VST or VST3 version?



Tested now. Both VST2 and VST3 have the same issue.
Knob turns but sound isn't changed.




I tested DeeLay on another computers in Reaper but I had same issue. Sound does not change after changing knobs.
I assume DeeLay v1.4.0 is not working. I didn't have the problem in the past.

Are there anyone using DeeLay on Windows?


Hi, I've just tested the plugin on windows and Mac downloading with HorNet DoIn (so exactly the same binary you get) and it's working fine both VST and VST3 on both platform.

Just to make sure there's nothing weird going on, could you please delete the HoRNetDeeLay_x64.dll and the HoRNetDeeLay_x64.vst3 files from your computer and install them again using HoRNet DoIn? please don't forget to set the VST2 path in the preferences area of DoIn

Thank you


Thanks Saverio for testing.

After reading your comment, I didn't have any ideas why it didn't work on my computers. I ended up downloading all HoRNet plugins again. I found that DeeLay has different file hashes from the one I downloaded last year (January-2022). After installing new one, DeeLay is working correctly!

When I revert to the v1.4.0-JAN2022, problem comes back.
AAX v1.4.0 (JAN2022) is digitally signed on 11-JAN-2022, v1.4.0 (downloaded yesterday) is signed on 17-JAN-2022.
Were there any internal updates for DeeLay v1.4.0 in last January? I downloaded last DeeLay v1.4.0 on 14-JAN-2022 :dog:

Anyway, thanks again for the support. It's working now as expected.
If someone had same issue, just download and install it again.


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