Stereo Image - is mine too narrow? Low End

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hi guys, im just analyzing my mixes/masters with some commercial tracks and mostly they look like the track on the right, mine are more mono below 100hz.
would you crank this stereo image up in my field ? i use Monofilter and mono-ize the low end mostly like my example to the left but im wondering if it is too much?

DAW FL Studio Audio Interface Focusrite Scarlett 1st Gen 2i2 CPU Intel i7-7700K 4.20 GHz, RAM 32 GB Dual-Channel DDR4 @2400MHz Corsair Vengeance. MB Asus Prime Z270-K, GPU Gainward 1070 GTX GS 8GB NT Be Quiet DP 550W OS Win10 64Bit


Narrow ? Wide ?

Nothing to do with it. What does the quality sound like.

You can have a mono or stereo bass that sound like complete garbage.

It's a very silly question about a picture. It might be a sound recording of a car engine running. Too wide, too narrow bass, good or bad ?


Synthman2000 wrote: Sun Aug 06, 2023 10:40 am It's a very silly question about a picture.


When I record my toilet flushing in stereo I generally aim for a smooth bass that is quite wide sounding. I usually look at a visual plug in to see where I am. What I also do because the bass is changing all the time in a mix, damn those different notes, is take 5 screen shots and make it as wide as the average of the 5 images, then I know my bass is right in the stereo image department.

I assume that image is of a toilet flushing ? Cause you see it's rather hard to tell given it could be any of the infinite number of sounds that exist in the universe.


Synthman2000 wrote: Sun Aug 06, 2023 12:18 pm When I record my toilet flushing in stereo I generally aim for a smooth bass that is quite wide sounding ...
Recording the noise of the toilet vent is one of the most difficult
of all: The bass definition is particularly tricky here: Too much
immediately creates spongyness and pressure on the ears. Too
little, on the other hand, results in an undersubstantial and thin
sound. A dynamic EQ - or a multiband compressor - can help

I would recommend "Izotope RX-10 super-advanced" with the
preset "watertoilet".

Equally important is the design of the transients, because they
determine brizziness, naturalness - and even the stereo width.

Adding some short reverb is often beneficial. Here, too, the right
setting is important, after all you don't want a waterfall, just a toilet
flush! The slight reverberation is only intended to support the
reflections of the ceramic.

Such a stereo panorama frequency spectrum is definitely helpful
to get the rinsing process and especially the water sound right.
free mp3s + info: songs + weird stuff:


As noted, pictures of sound mean diddly. It is like deciding on a wife from a cartoon of her dog.

Also, one has to wonder if your music is anything like the shizz on the Spotifry thing? If not, these pictures are even less relevant.

This is technicalities for the sake of covering fear. Sure a poor mix can undo a so-so song and a good mix can make it more likable but ultimately the mix is not the important - make/break thing. So leave the Mixing to Mix Engineers who are having real conversations with you about what your music is about, where it will be playing, and to whom as otherwise it is marrying that woman based on a cartoon of her dog - which might be her neighbor's dog after you get there.

Happy to hear you music and give a useful opinion should that be wanted - paid or not paid, your call


Op I just wanted to point out... Did you just mono the master under a particular frequency?

You should never mix down from the perspective of fixing things on the master. You need to work the individual components of a mix. Just like you would be taught never to mix into a compressor. A "ideal" perfect mix would have nothing on the master.

Try making sure the main bass components themselves are mono in the right places. Sometimes people do mono the master a bit but that could be seen as them fixing a small mistake in the overall mix.

Then you will have control over the elements that cross over into the bass region a bit but can still have some stereo becuase they are not bass. Overall it will just give you more control over everything.


You have a very abrupt transition from mono to stereo, that could suggest a problem, but doesn't necessarily. Use a gentler slope on your mono-iser. Or just don't bother with it at all. Nothing wrong with a big fat bottom.

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