Who is KVR and why am I here when looking for Melda Productions help

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Ya, so I am on the Melda Productions site - sign up for the forum. And end up here. Who is KVR? I am seeking assistance with Msuperlooper and there's nothing on Melda's site or here.
Please help clarify what's going on.


KVR is a user forum that is mostly focused on music production software. Many software developers have sub forums here for support. Melda has its own subforum: viewforum.php?f=138

Hope that helps!
Logic Pro | PolyBrute | MatrixBrute | MiniFreak | Prophet 6 | Trigon 6 | OB-6 | Rev2 | Pro 3 | SE-1X | Polar TI2 | Blofeld | RYTMmk2 | Digitone | Syntakt | Digitakt | Integra-7 | TR-8S | MPC One | TD-3 MO


You've been here ten months, and you're asking now?

KVR is a website primarily about audio plugins and related gear, not a person. It hosts public discussion forums, and offers plugin developers their own support forums. Melda has one such support forum, and if you click the 'Forum' link on the Melda website you get taken straight there, to viewforum.php?f=138, not this Getting Started forum, or anywhere else at KVR.

Have you actually tried looking around this site at all? For example, right at the top of this site there's a list of links that includes 'DEVELOPERS'. Clicking that would allow you to search for Meldaproductions (under 'M' funnily enough) and provide more information about them including a handy 'Forum' button.
Or you could have searched for MSuperLooper to be given a list of threads in the MeldaProduction forum that relate to that product.
my other modular synth is a bugbrand


easy WR
we will do a KVR
-then go into a white wine


Welcome! KVR purports to be a site about music production software but is actually a platform that will brainwash you into believing you need to buy thousands of plugins.

Eventually you will become one of us. Resistance is futile. It is disturbing at first but you will grow to enjoy it. :borg:


I have been travelling for the last 7 months on a motorcycle - Canada, US, Mexico, Belize and now Guatemala. I can hardly remember my old life anymore. Writing music and filming while travelling and trying to get things working better. So, I'm basically starting over.


So the "Forum" link on Melda's site links to their developer forum here. You can get there from this link:


As others mentioned, KVR is a general music production forum with (among many other things) many developers hosting dev-specific forums here; Melda's is one of those.

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