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loophead wrote:Are you watching this thread ?

yes, thank you, loophead!
greendoor was allready pointing me to your statements.
i must say that we are very happy with what you wrote there, so thanks a lot for theese deeply knowledged posts.
i of course wanted to post there before too, but right now i am too busy to post detailled, but i will in the next days. seems that we at least scratch the holy grails in reverb out there.
of course, that whole lexicon/tc comparing is pretty useless imo (not that i don`t understand that), as one got the simple choice to like our reverb or not, wich should not have anything to do with "is it a lexicon/tc or not". it is, i stated that many times before, just a matter of taste, which it seems that it has its peak in reverb. also many users that used a lot of good hardware seem to still not trust in the fact that software can be equal quality.
maybe that has also to do with continously loosing status symbols ;), i remember my self when i sold my big pt-system. i felt quite "cheap" immediateley (even though i was using vst at the same time together with pt), but i recovered very fast as i recognised that i was everything else but "left alone" with cheap production quality now.
that is how many users might feel too, before they finally realize that they have nothing to loose, when going all native.
in fact, i doubt that so many users got the chance to have deep experiance with a 960 or a system 6000.
i myself am allways surprised, when i compare our reverb to the big ones, which is what i had to do in order to test the spectral balance and stuff.
but still, it is something very different, and we wanted it like that.
i stated in many previous posts, that it was never our intension to clone any reverbs that are out there, instead we wanted to fill the holes that reverbs (whether hard or software) left, when it came to our musical productions, as we are all professional musicians since a long time.
we simply were thinking that the reverb we need is not out yet, that was the initial intension to create our own.
my personal feeling (trying to be as objective as i can) about our reverb is not, that it sounds close to a lexicon or a tc hardware, its like comparing apples and pears, they`re just too different. but it forfills my needs in mostly all areas of application, and that was the goal (next to many other points of course).
that users start to actually even think about a serious comparsion with theese big fishes leads me to the fact that we at least cannot be so wrong with what we did ;).
as every software can be enhanced, we never stand still (in fact, we updated our reverb 2 days ago).
however, i`m happy that most of the knowledged users out there like it, and of course, we keep going on.
as long as users like you say that it`s great we feel honoured and motivated to go on, so thanks again!
Kind regards, Nick at ArtsAcoustic


Now we are getting some attention!!! :love: :love: :love:


:D yeah, having a tight schedule right now, but big brother is allways watching (or reading, if you will) ... ;)
Kind regards, Nick at ArtsAcoustic


Nick You have every reason to be proud of your product, it is 'the best' one in the VST world.

I just thought I'd mention this in case what I've written on that thread mentioned above appears in any way as criticism towards your product - it's not.

Not only have you gotten the sound 'right', but the features too. And on top of that, usability :) Rare combination.

Can't even imagine what you will come up with in the future.

Regards, deeply impressed

Now available with added Inherently Suspect Justification!


jmh, love your brand new signature! :D


Was replying but my 4 month old daughter needed my attention....

Nick, I really do agree it is NOT a question of 'is this apple a pear ?' It is a question of is this apple a great apple ? You have just given us a GREAT apple !

I am quite happy I am fully native and in fact am selling my last peice of hardware (H8000 - any takers for a pristeen Eventide...?) as I have (for my own work) replaced it.

This reverb was one of those critical needs which I am happy you have filled. You are now among a very select few - please keep up the good work. I'll drop you an email so you have my info...

Cinemascore - I'm quite interested in what your doing. As I was one of few involved with defining and designing surround effects, would like to talk..


I'll just jump in here and say that as soon as I heard your reverb I fell in love with it and have been mentioning it in as often as possible when someone asks for great plugs. I don't have it yet. This is just my impressions from the demo. I will definitly get it. I already Have the VSS3 and the Plate 140, but this is a must add on. It rocks.

:) 8) :P :wink:
Dual G4, 1.42GHZ, 2,048 ram, 3-10,000rpm Raptors, 1-Caviar 250gb, D.P. 4.61, UAD-1, Fairchild, PultecPro, PowerCore,VSS3,MD3, Inflator, Voice Modeler, Assimilator, Auto-Tune4, PowerCouple, MasterQ, V.W., MixPack, Blue Tubes, Channel Strip, BFD, 896 HD.


Done. Purchased it last week-end. Awsome.

:) :P

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