FR: cool wet/dry bypass

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Hiya. Love my AAR, just gotta experiment more!

Hey, here's a feature request...

One little button under Dry & one under Wet - function being on/off for each, and default being on.

Voxengo Perfect Space for Cakewalk has this simple little feature and I use it all the time (probably because with orchestral work I'm often putting a reverb on the mix buss and doing a wet / dry mix).

It's very handy for doing a/b's of with and without reverb, and also listening to the reverb only. :tu:

kind regards


yes, that's indeed a nice idea.
we'll check this. we'll have to modify the gui in a way then.
you will be informed here on our forum. thanks for the nice idea!
Kind regards, Nick at ArtsAcoustic


Hey that's great!

Here's a link to a picture of the way it happens with the Voxengo/Cakewalk plug. Just two little lit buttons you can switch off and on.

I had a look at the AAR interface.. it would really mess with the nice layout to squeeze a couple of buttons in there.

What about something like this... if you control-click on the "dry" or "wet" text labels (or the knobs?) ...they grey out and that channel (wet or dry) are defeated until you control-click on it again.

Stealth feature for uber verbers!!



I also would appreciate this feature (just requested by me a while ago).

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