choir boy v5 vs aftertouch/channel pressure (bug?)

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I've always loved the idea of Choir Boy and purchased it several years ago, but I've only had limited success in getting it to do what I suspected it *could* do.
I have read the docs several times and understand the fundamentals just fine, but whenever I loaded it up and tried to use it, I would get "drop outs" on the Choir Boy output...never knew why...

today (sort of by accident) I examined the midi info that was being sent to CB from my projects.

It seems that whenever there is ANY channel pressure input during a MIDI note- the point at which that ch pressure (aftertouch) is triggered, that part of the Choir Boy signal drops out and it only returns if the MIDI note is retriggered.

Don't know if that is a bug, but it was certainly an ephiphany for me!
Now, I know that I can use Choir Boy as long as I strip out my channel pressure info from my midi files ...and it's gonna get some real abuse now that I know a viable work around!!! ;)
(for those of you who have not tried it- Choir Boy IS quite awesome!




blortblort wrote:bump?
Thanks for this information. I had not realized that this was a problem. Choir Boy is not explicitly process ing aftertouch. However, if this is communicated by Midi as a status change then Choir Boy may act on this in a way that was not envisaged.

I think the message here is to avoid channel pressure - can it be switched off?

Unfortunately, the Midi keyboard I have used for testing does not have channel pressure control so Ididn't ever encounter this.



Space Boy wrote:
blortblort wrote:bump?
Thanks for this information. I had not realized that this was a problem. Choir Boy is not explicitly process ing aftertouch. However, if this is communicated by Midi as a status change then Choir Boy may act on this in a way that was not envisaged.

I think the message here is to avoid channel pressure - can it be switched off?

Unfortunately, the Midi keyboard I have used for testing does not have channel pressure control so Ididn't ever encounter this.

thanks for the reply, Paul!
Not sure if my controller's aftertouch/ch pressure can be turned off, but in many cases I would not want to do that as I might be using it while "playing" Choir Boy" simultaneously (I ask a lot of weirdness and "unintended" functionality from my toolz most times :hihi: )
I thought that there may be a either a way to code some sort of filter into CB if there is gonna be any update
I could poke around to see if there are any midi plugs that I might insert before CB that could strip that extraneous aftertouch/ch pressure from the midi stream I'm sending...

whatcha think?


This could be a temp work around, my friend.

Change and convert between CC, Channel Pressure, Poly Aftertouch, Program Change, Pitch Bend, NRPN/RPN, and Note On/Off messages in various ways. Pitch Bend and (N)RPN conversions will use the full 14-bit values when possible.


bobsled wrote:This could be a temp work around, my friend.

Change and convert between CC, Channel Pressure, Poly Aftertouch, Program Change, Pitch Bend, NRPN/RPN, and Note On/Off messages in various ways. Pitch Bend and (N)RPN conversions will use the full 14-bit values when possible.
too damn cool! I'll give that a shot later, bobsled!
thanks, Sir! how ya been?


Life is good. New job, great pay but no play time.



thanks for the reminder about those piz midi plugs, bobsled!
midiconverter2 works a treat ;) (just tell the plug what I want to input and in this case, my output option was simply to discard AT and BAM! done!) if only Live had better "accommodations" for using midi plugs (esp ones that show up as "instruments" :lol:
at the end of the day, the routing works and choirboy no longer is choked off by extraneous AT/channel pressure info :tu:

btw- Congrats on the new job! that is excellent news. you have been deserving of some good turns for quite some time now. glad to see you are getting them, bobsled :D
...sorry about not having any time for play, but I'm sure you'll be able to shoehorn some in during the holiday?...need to hear some more bobsled tunes. Been tooooo long.


piz is, in aspect, not unlike a god.



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