Please, try my plugin. (it's my first!)

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i'm writing my first plugin. it's called PCML (don't ask why). at the moment, it's a basic compressor plugin. VST PC only. the zip file contains the plugin (.DLL file) and the source code files. to install, just copy the .DLL to your VST plugins folder.

i think it is finally working properly, although i want to get some other opinions.

please note: it is a REALLY BASIC compressor. no RMS detection, no soft-knee, and no analog emulation.

after i handle some interace issues, i plan on working on the envelope detection and time constants, and adding more functionality. please post your comments here, or email:



baaah ...
(just kiddin)

tested it with old cubase 3.71 I have on my web-computer, and compared with kjaerhus, with some quick drum pattern - it worked nice with tresh cca -12 and ratio cca 2.5, with def. setting for attack and release, but lacks some meat ... anyway, can't say more because I listened to it on portable stereo speakers, my monitors are not here.

keep up the good work and try to keep gui simple when you make it :-)



really cool that you share your source with us :) if more people do this the learning curve creating vst/vsti will be less steep.

my ears sucks major on compressors so ... :oops: can't say to much about your plugin. sorry :?


Hey I'll check this, always fun to see a new plug being born :D
Just keep at it!


really cool that you share your source with us :) if more people do this the learning curve creating vst/vsti will be less steep.
yeah, it would be a good reference tool if i actually knew what i was doing! ;)

truth is, i'm not even all that certain of my algorithms enough to call it a real compressor. that's why i posted it here, with the hope that some seasoned programmer will open up the source and say, "that ain't right!" or perhaps, "nice algo's ... but you might want to try this ..."

are there any seasoned programmers out there? or are they too busy programming to help me out?

anyway, i will always post my source code ... until i want to charge money for it! ;)


i have posted an update:

nothing major. just some different parameter handling. and i made a slight change to the attack/release coefficients, but nothing that really matters.

in case you are silly enough to use my stoopid code as an example for your own :P, you might note that i added some useful functions (or are they classes? i am so dumb!) for converting VST ranges/values to useful ranges/values. nothing new here. others have done it better than me, only i couldn't figure out how to use their classes, so i "re-invented the wheel".

one cool thing about the setParamLog function is that it allows you to set a VST value that will equal unity gain. in other words, if unityValue = 0.5, then when the VST value = 0.5, setParamLog will output 1.0. this is useful when you want the exact middle of a slider or knob's throw (0.5) to equal unity gain.



the algorithm is WRONG WRONG WRONG!

i have been thinking about it for the past few days, and realized that i was confusing dB math with sample value math. i have the revised algo, and will post the results later tonight.

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