Libraries in free kontakt player

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I recently bought one of hollowsuns libraries (Definitive CP70 II) but have a problem with loading the files in Kontakt ( I have the free sample player). When I click on add libraries only the free factory kontent shows up, and I can load these instruments in the rack, and play them (in demo mode of course). When I manually opens the folder where the hollowsun files is, I double-click on one of the nki.files and then a box shows up saying 64 samples missing. If I click on the skip missing button the instrument shows up in demo mode in the rack, but with memory at 0 kb. Anyone could help me with this? I am new with Kontakt, so I apologies for my lack of knowledge with this:)


Sorry to say this, but you need the full Kontakt version to use 3rd party libraries.

"Requires Kontakt 3.5 or Kontakt 4. It will work with the free Kontakt Player but only in 'demo' mode and the session will be time limited."

quoted from


mariuste86 wrote:I recently bought one of hollowsuns libraries (Definitive CP70 II) but have a problem with loading the files in Kontakt ( I have the free sample player). When I click on add libraries only the free factory kontent shows up, and I can load these instruments in the rack, and play them (in demo mode of course). When I manually opens the folder where the hollowsun files is, I double-click on one of the nki.files and then a box shows up saying 64 samples missing. If I click on the skip missing button the instrument shows up in demo mode in the rack, but with memory at 0 kb. Anyone could help me with this? I am new with Kontakt, so I apologies for my lack of knowledge with this:)
That's the expected behavior when you click on "skip missing". Click on "search file system" instead, or in "manually locate folder" and point to the folder where the samples are stored. These two options appear in the full version, don't know about the free player, though.


Septimon wrote:Sorry to say this, but you need the full Kontakt version to use 3rd party libraries.

"Requires Kontakt 3.5 or Kontakt 4. It will work with the free Kontakt Player but only in 'demo' mode and the session will be time limited."

quoted from
Yes, I know this, but it doesnt work even in demo mode. You should be able to play it for 15 min. or so before you have to activate again? To me it seems like it cant work at all in the free player. So if I buy the full version, will it eventually work?


Have you tried what I said?.


I have that library too and the full version of Kontakt and I can confirm it works fine. In fact, it's superb :)
My music is a fusion of jazz and funk. It's called "Junk"


standalone wrote:Have you tried what I said?.

... this procedure will work in either the free or full version, so yes it will "work" in the full version should you get it "later".

I'm not a musician, but I've designed sounds that others use to make music.


standalone wrote:Have you tried what I said?.
Yes, thanks, I have, the instrument appears in the rack but 0 memory. I guess I have to buy the full version if I got this library to work.
Thanks anyway:)


tropicalontour wrote:I have that library too and the full version of Kontakt and I can confirm it works fine. In fact, it's superb :)
Thanks, nice to know that. I want the full version too:)


I can't test with the free Player because the installation sees my full version and goes nowhere.

Have you tried launching the Player and then just dropping and dragging the CP70 II.NKI onto the rack? That's how I open/load Kontakt stuff here (don't even have the 'browser' open - library doesn't HAVE to reside where it's supposed to ... IYSWIM). I often just double click on an NKI that's sitting on my desktop, wherever, and even if Kontakt isn't launched, it will launch and will then load the program and its samples.

But yes - the full version is recommended for full enjoyment.

It has to be said that NI's Player is as confusing as a confusing thing can be if you want to be very confused and if I got £1 for every time I have had to explain it, I'd be doing quite nicely thank you!!




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