A scary AL volume glitch

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Every so often, AL will get a little touchy. It will record and playback normally for a short while, then random spikes and pops will start to enter the loop, accompanied by the output volume meter jumping into the red. Sometimes, the meter will stay in the red until I clear the loop. I've experienced this in Bidule and Live, and in both cases my CPU usage was like 15%. Usually if I quit and then open the plugin again, it fixes itself (not practical for playing live, of course).

I should mention, if it's of any importance, that I'm running a hacked copy of OSX Snow Leopard on my MSI Wind netbook, which is usually very stable. Any clue what could be making this happen?



Can you post your AL settings? (E.g. save an aupreset file out of Live.)


I just sent it your way. I was also able to recreate the problem with other settings and in other hosts, but not on my desktop PC (much faster than my netbook), which leads me to believe it's something to do with my system not having enough juice. I would've thought that kind of thing would show up on the CPU usage meter, but it might be HD speed or some background process thing. I've been meaning to update my laptop anyway, so this will provide ample excu-- I mean, justification. :)

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