Performing live on... Laptop...with FL Studio >> How to Start? << New Question- 26 March-<<

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Update question:
I've decided to "give it a shot" and I'm starting to get the needed learning.

Any tutorials ? Do I need a huge number of mp3s of other artists? Is it a bad idea to start DJing/ performing with only my music?

Here is another post I just made to give an idea of where I want to be.
This is 2-4 year plan. ... highlight=

Performing live with a Windows laptop?? Good idea?
What about using FLS?
Last edited by abstractcats on Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:17 am, edited 4 times in total.


I've had no trouble. Just make sure the stuff you want to use works well on that system, and you should be fine.
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I have more or less the same question right now. I'm workin on a liveset I will have to use soon and am running Ableton Live on a Dell XPS laptop. So far my tests have shown that the interface craps out from time to time (like I loose sound) but I can't really pinpoint the problems origin.
Anyway... if your interface uses USB, be aware that USB tends to drain the CPU a bit (basically you get periodical spikes). So my advice is to keep the CPU usage under 60% if you want to be really on the safe side. Use DPC latency checker to see how the interface behaves during a typical liveset and always have a backup plan. Like have some mixdowns of your live sets on an mp3 player, so you can have something playing while you reboot the laptop. In my experience a computer will crap out from time to time, no matter if you run windows or mac so a backup plan is always a good idea!
Many people perform live with windows laptops so I think with some careful testing you should be fine.
Chiptune with a shot of Japan: Poka Bjorn – Wear the Happy Face


Hmm, Thanks guys :) I'm updating the ?


Bump for new questions I've added!


I recommend you to get an Akai APC 20 or novation launchpad. heard that FLS will support them soon (with the new live mode). you can check it out here: . for live performance I currently export my projects in parts and put them in ableton, so that i can use my APC. but as I mentioned FL will soon support this feature! it's a really fun way of performing!

I also recommend you to perform using your own tracks, maybe make a mashup with some acapellas or just play them right of, the opportunities are endless!

Good luck!


If you're worried about CPU usage, render as much to audio as possible, so you run few (if any) live synths and fx.

+1 to using a Launchpad with Live, altho' I like to export loops from Live into a groovebox (Boss SP505) for playing my own music live. I use the lappy for DJing.



Thanks guys! As for my own tracks, hmmm, I'd love to do that but how do clubs etc. respond to DJ trying this? Should it I send tracks for them to audition?

I've thought about learning Ableton because of its rep as a live tool but I know FLS so well and the new live version looks capable. But I've still got a long way to go as for learning the performing DJ thing.

Also, this is a 2-5 year plan so, I've got a good time to learn and see what hardware I like.


I think clubs responds well to this! I'm also new to performing live (had my first gig a few days ago). but there are many dj's performing this way and the clubs often responds well to it. my tip is that you send tracks for audition if they ask you to.

As for Ableton it's very simple to use performing live! I wouldn't recommend it as a production tool, but for performing it's in my opinion the best. if you get an APC or a launchpad you will get a lite version of it. if you don't think ableton is for you, you can wait until FL supports it (shouldn't be too long)

Hope this helps!


Krypticc wrote:I think clubs responds well to this! I'm also new to performing live (had my first gig a few days ago). but there are many dj's performing this way and the clubs often responds well to it. my tip is that you send tracks for audition if they ask you to.

As for Ableton it's very simple to use performing live! I wouldn't recommend it as a production tool, but for performing it's in my opinion the best. if you get an APC or a launchpad you will get a lite version of it. if you don't think ableton is for you, you can wait until FL supports it (shouldn't be too long)

Hope this helps!
Good info, thanks! First gig? Nice! You were paid, I assume? Sorry for the rude question, I'm not asking for an amount, just wandered about someone juststarting and making even some money. While I've been listening to electronic music for most of my adult life, I've only been making music on computer for about 6 years, I just turned 45 so I might just be oldest "just starting out" computer based DJ performer :-o..:hihi:
I did get Ableton Lite with my Akai MPK49 so I'm covered there. I like the videos for FLS Live mode and since I'm so used to FLS I'd probably stick with it for now. But I do want to learn Ableton.


I wasn't paid that gig since it was part of a newly founded, local culture club. but it's always good with some publicity :) but I agree with you, FLS live mode looks decent so I will probably stick to that too in the future! Congratulations in arrears!


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