Arturia Spark - Jumpy Encoders

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Nice to see there is now an Arturia forum on here, welcome :)

Anyway my problem is that I bought Arturia Spark some months ago but there seem to be problems with some of the encoders. When I turn some of the encoders on the device they can jump values by fairly big amounts. For example if I was increasing the pitch of a sample from -12 it might go - 12 to -9 smoothly then all of a sudden jump to +6 and then back to -9 again. It can be quite annoying actually when trying to adjust things. It looks to be only some of the encoders though, not all of them.

Is there some kind of solution for this like a firmware upgrade or is it an actual hardware problem? I hope I have explained this well enough. Appreciate any help you could offer.

Deep N' Dusty House Grooves !!!


I bought < insert name of any synth with encoders > some months ago but there seem to be problems with some of the encoders.

It is a hardware problem and nobody, it seems, makes encoders worth a damm.
Fig Newton: The force required to accelerate a fig 39.37 inches per sec.


Hi Nigel,
You can try to change the knob acceleration in Spark preferences panel but if this happens only for some encoders and not the others, I fear that is an hardware problem.

Can you check with a midi tool like MIDI OX (Windows) or MIDI Monitor (Mac OS) that the midi messages are as you described?


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