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I've jut looked at the Linplug line and had a chance to hear/see Octopus in use at studio last week. I'm impressed with the sounds and find the interfaces 'clean' and easy to 'read'.

I just downloaded the Demo of Octopus and will later try a hands on of the other synths, but I want to focus on one at a time.

Already I have found many factory presets to be quite musical and they have generated some ideas. BUT ... and it's a big BUT.....

Even after readying to the Manual, I don't have a clear grasp of 'what to do' to get where I want to go. Even simple things such as using band pass filters are not clear to me.

I strongly suggest that LinPlug 'produce a few basic Tutorials'.
For me, video/audio vignettes do more than pages of text.

I had the same trouble with Camel Audio's Alchemy ..... until I watched their tutorials. After weeks of 'puttering' with the synth on my own ..... I watched a few of their tutorials and then ..... BOOM. It all came together.

It's important to get the right person to design and deliver the tutorial.
Someone that is 'subjective' and new to the U.I. and philosophy of the software.
Fresh eyes ... so to speak. FWIW: I've watched far too many 'awful' tutorials to count.

I watched your tutorials on RMV .... without learning much of how to use the software within a workflow.

I've watched a few of Dan Worral's tutorials for other software instruments and I must say that he knows how to deliver knowledge. Just watching his tutorials ... makes you want to buy the product. NOTE: This is not a plug for Mr. Worral as I do not know the man and have never met him.

Eli Krantzberg over at Groove3.com also possesses a unique talent to relay pertinent information clearly and quickly. I enjoy his work and have learned much from his tutorials.

Just getting a tutorial 'out there' will help with sales. Especially if it is a well done one. Take a look at a few VST videos on YouTube and note the comments.

I look forward to learning more about your instruments.
Thank you.
Here's his KVR link > http://www.kvraudio.com/developer/dan-worrall-tutorials
Here's a sample of a great tutorial he did for FabFilter Twin 2 >


Thank you BlueFielder ...I 'll consider it


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