Installing .exe plugins

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Hi all,

I've been playing around with installing various plugins to see what works.I have been using to try downloading plugins before purchasing anything. I had few successes and, after "Install Plugins", "Scan for New", and "Validate ignored, all but 2 have installed with no problem. The rest give me "Validation of '(plugin).dll' failed. The file is not a VSTplugin or could not be instantiated."

I now have two questions:
1) It's hard to sus out where to put .exe files vs. .dll files. I'm quite sure the .dlls go into the 'Unsupported' folder. How do I know where to put the .exe files?

2) If a plugin does not work, is there a proper process for uninstalling them or do I just look for all the locations of related files in the software manager and delete separately?

Much Thanks
Fish Out Of Water
Entune Productions


Pretty sure you will ALWAYS want to put .exe in DROP INSTALLERS HERE Folder. I don't know of any other way to install that type of plugin, at least from within the Receptor OS.

I believe plain DLLs, can pretty much go into any VST Plugins Folder you like (there are numerous ones spread around my drive, depending on where the original installer wanted them (e.g. Root, Programs, User, Default, Musician, etc.). When you run the "Scan for New" function it searches the whole drive.

There is a REMOVE PLUGIN feature available when you boot up in mixer mode, but this only recognizes plugins that made it all the way through the validation process (though not even ALL of these). It won't remove a plugin that wouldn't validate.

When I have a plugin that "installs" but doesn't work I just search the drive for keywords and drag the pertinent stuff to the trash.

Some Installers will also install a DEINSTALL.exe but I don't think you'd want to run that.

I HAVE had a few plugins install AND validate, but then won't actually work for some incompatability reason and OCCASIONALLY even after I purge all installation form the drive, the "plugin icon" remains. There is a register file somewhere that records what you have installed but as far as I know we users can not access it.

I recall there was a thread where people could post what VSTs they had successfully installed and also what they COULDN'T Install. Might be useful to update that or start it again.


Thank you Thank you!!
I really need some more experience feedback on this. I watched the Receptorland YouTube Vids (after I tried installing) and I seemed to be doing things appropriately. I am aware of things not always installing but my percentages were pretty low so I had to check in. I thought I had to put .dlls in the unsupported folder. I don't know if it will make any difference to load in to VSTPlugin folder. I also didn't pick my .exe installations folder well. I'll see if deleting and refiling helps.

Perhaps restarting that thread again. There are some 2016 entries but there is a lot to go through.
Fish Out Of Water
Entune Productions


I should add I am on a R2 promax running the last avail OS. Other models may behave differently, but I wouldn't know.


I have already had better success with page 25 of "Unsupported VSTs that work on Receptor". I'm doing a trial version of Glitch2 right now and then I will see about purchase (not too expensive). If that goes well I can finally start getting others... I'm a little slow to this party.

Thanks for your insights.
Fish Out Of Water
Entune Productions


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