HPC is not accessible

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I wondering that HPC is not accessible for me. All I remember is that HINK moved one offtopic thread to HPC and ... Baned me without a warning once the trolls started commenting on my post. I see it's becoming a worldwide trend now. HINK doesn't respond to any of my PMs. Is it how the censoring working these days or what? Or if my opinion is not in the majority, then I automatically become censored without a warning. HINK says that my post may lead the topic to go HPC, but I saw this only later. It is sometimes hard to draw the line what is HPC and what is offtopic. But in "that" thread (hink knows) there were other similar posts, so what's happened to those users? Why instant bans?


so this is how you expect to get back to hpc? Your ban from hpc was natural consequences plain and simple, but it's my fault...:lol:
The highest form of knowledge is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another's world. It requires profound, purpose‐larger‐than‐the‐self kind of understanding.


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