Remote control / snapping of values with range controls

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I have two questions / issues regarding remote control of values with range settings and manually entering values with range settings in Live;

Remote control of the offset and modulation parameters with range controls (1/10/100); i can't find a way to remotely control the full range (via midi cc or rack). No matter which range is selected in the plugin or midi settings it will never move past the maximum value of the first range.

Manually entering values that exceed the maximum value of the first range are snapped [to the maximum value of the first range] on the first try. Example; i load a new instance with the default welcome patch and manually change the length offset to 4000. I expect it to change to 4000, but it snaps to 2000. Only after entering the value for a second time it will update. This only happens on upward value changes from the first to the 2nd/3rd ranges, not the other way around. It does not happen in the standalone version, only in Live.

Am i missing something or is this not working as intended?



I forgot about two other things related midi control;

I can't get remote control to work in standalone with midi over USB; Crusher recognizes my controllers (Faderfox PC4 and EC4) but it doesn't respond to input. I recall it works fine when i use a midi port, but couldn't find anything in the manual about limitations of midi over USB.

Mapping any of the Adore parameters in Live causes Crusher to go haywire (all values start jumping around), this also happens when no other control assignments are present.


daizok wrote: Sat Jan 23, 2021 2:29 pm I forgot about two other things related midi control;

I can't get remote control to work in standalone with midi over USB; Crusher recognizes my controllers (Faderfox PC4 and EC4) but it doesn't respond to input. I recall it works fine when i use a midi port, but couldn't find anything in the manual about limitations of midi over USB.

Mapping any of the Adore parameters in Live causes Crusher to go haywire in Live (all values start jumping around), this also happens when no other control assignments are present.
are you one windows, i have some problems with my controllers. input problems, but i must check that, when i have time again. there is no inherent limitation with midi over USB, midi is a protocol, it does not matter how it is "transported". over network it can be also transmitted.

i thought there was a problem ableton, it is in the manual. the setup for ableton. midi to crusher-fx.
can be outdated, i don't know. page 65. if you don't read it, yet.

i can't help you as you did.

didn't map yet crusher-x, in the ways, i can..


Thanks Wasteland, it's set up properly in Live and other than the range and adore mappings everything works fine. Regarding the standalone i'm not sure what the problem is, i don't have issues controlling other applications.


daizok wrote: Sat Jan 23, 2021 2:59 pm Thanks Wasteland, it's set up properly in Live and other than the range and adore mappings everything works fine. Regarding the standalone i'm not sure what the problem is, i don't have issues controlling other applications.
in standalone mode, on windows 10 (20H2), it recognizes my controllers, but midi monitor does not show any input. you don't need even to look at the midi monitor, because no response.

simple: for keyboard playing, not mapping (because ... yes ... it does not receive anything),

my novation sl 49 mkii
seabord block
lightpad M blocks

i can check them as input, but no midi is received.

can confirm, that in standalone crusher-x 8.6 can't be controlled by midi (over usb).


WasteLand wrote: Thu Jan 28, 2021 4:58 pm can confirm, that in standalone crusher-x 8.6 can't be controlled by midi (over usb).
Yep, sorry it's a known bug of the 64bit crusher-X windows standalone. The 32bit should work and therfore can be used as a workaround. This issue is on the list for the next update.



freq wrote: Thu Jan 28, 2021 5:50 pm
WasteLand wrote: Thu Jan 28, 2021 4:58 pm can confirm, that in standalone crusher-x 8.6 can't be controlled by midi (over usb).
Yep, sorry it's a known bug of the 64bit crusher-X windows standalone. The 32bit should work and therfore can be used as a workaround. This issue is on the list for the next update.

ok, thanks, i will use the 32 bit version! until the next update. when working standalone..

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