Free crusher-X 8.61 update has landed!

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We're happy to support crusher-X 8 licensees with a free feature update that comes also with UI performance optimizations and bug fixes! Thanks @umbongo, @daizok and @WasteLand for your input and suggestions!
  • Adds 'Random Loop' and 'Random One shot' modes to the DCO Play Modes
  • Adds a Drop label to the DCO editor
  • Adds support for Adore Parameters plug-in automation
  • Adds a protection to load a patch or Fx bank that were created with a newer crusher-X version (safe downgrade behaviour)
  • Adds Factory Sounds to the GCO and Grain Window selection lists
  • Adds Factory Sound Selection to the Grain Buffer Load Button
  • Adds GCO spline screen-less accessibility for blind / sight-impaired users
  • Optimizes Bit-Crusher algorithm for more smoothness on low bit reductions
  • Optimizes plug-in parameter handling for fast changing parameters (e.g. like if used by Bitwig Modulations)
  • Optimizes internal message handling for more speed and less memory consumption
  • Optimizes the size of the program name field
  • Optimizes UI Hint colors
  • Optimizes UI performance
  • Optimizes UI cursors
  • Fixes issue with PM-Field Parameter automation
  • Fixes a crash while Drag'n Drop files from Bitwig/DAW browsers
  • Fixes a bug that prevented to "throw the ball" of the PM-Field with a touch input device
  • macOS: Fixes UI performance issue under macOS BigSur
  • macOS: Fixes UI scaling issue if a HiDPI option (display scaling) is used on Retina displays
  • macOS: Fixes hint issue using crusher-X with Logic
  • Windows: Fixes MIDI input problem with crusher-X 64bit stand-alone VST wrapper
Enjoy and stay safe and healthy!

How to get this free update?
As a crusher-X 8 licensee just follow again the download instructions described in your crusher-X 8 delivery mail (that you received after your 8 purchase). The challenge/response wizard will not show up if already executed with crusher-X 8. Contact us if you need help!

Upgrade from crusher-X 7 or earlier crusher-X versions:
Find your upgrade offer here:
Upgrade / crossgrade: 89,- € (incl. VAT - For outside EU residents VAT will be removed from card)

You wondering why an upgrade is not for free? Take a look at the accSone pricing statement.

Oh no, you still using the crusher-X DEMO?
Consider to purchase a full version and support the crusher-X development!
Full version price: 249,- € (incl. VAT - For outside EU residents VAT will be removed from card)

Upcoming sales ahead? Black/Cyber whatever? Cheaper anywhere else? Take a look at the accSone pricing statement.



:tu: :party:


nice. is v9 on the horizon?


Great update!


Thanks, great! Midi control and Adore mapping are working like a charm now :tu:

Grain view looking smooth! :clap:


yeah great update! thanks!


It is 100% my favourite VST but regarding the new update (which is great) I would personally prefer not having the preset samples as options in the grain buffer and GCO menus as I will rarely use them so is just unnecessary clutter to me so would be good to have an option to have them shown or not - would much prefer to be able to reference a folder that is then listed in grain buffer and GCO that you can add your own samples to.

Also, this could just be my lack of knowledge about why this is this way but I would prefer a grain buffer load that goes straight to live input when you click it (as it works now) but also a grain buffer load button that lets you choose new sample before killing previous one - I sometimes have no live input so just goes dead when you click load, rather than waiting for new sample.

Would love a normalise option for samples about to be used in grain buffer and GCO.. i have loads of my own recordings I can use but some are quiet.

It is one hell of a VST Crusher-X, the morphing time with undo and redo are really like an instrument.
Maybe an option to have external parameter control GUI update on /off would be nice like on some synths.. if you use Bitwig modulations for example it wants to switch parameter to that after a few seconds (which makes sense) but it effects morph time % too, so sort of constantly updating which is a bit confusing.

Like has been said before - but i guess that feature would be saved for a proper update - a screen to show what grain buffer is doing to sample would be fantastic (with option to set sample start and normalise sample!).

If you clicked on physical model X/Y field bar if it faintly overlaid on X/Y screen what it is controlling I think that would be really cool, sometimes not easy to see just looking at modulation bars.

The DCO seems so advanced I wonder whether it is worth having a sample start point now as well as the loop points but also midi in button so it always restarts on midi input ( I know you can map play button but not as easy I don't think..).

Just a random thing but I felt some GAS for Mutable Instruments Beads the last few days as I used to own Clouds so took the same samples used in the Beads demos on Youtube and listened to what they could do then went for it with Crusher-x.. amazing how much more powerful Crusher-x is for me. A CPU crusher sometimes but sound wise no contest (to me.).

Just some thoughts after a few glasses of wine - apologies if some make no sense, I'm just a fan of using Crusher-X!


These makes absolutely sense! Thanks for sharing!
The backlog is always open!



umbongo wrote: Thu Feb 25, 2021 11:21 pm It is 100% my favourite VST but regarding the new update (which is great) I would personally prefer not having the preset samples as options in the grain buffer and GCO menus as I will rarely use them so is just unnecessary clutter to me so would be good to have an option to have them shown or not - would much prefer to be able to reference a folder that is then listed in grain buffer and GCO that you can add your own samples to.

Also, this could just be my lack of knowledge about why this is this way but I would prefer a grain buffer load that goes straight to live input when you click it (as it works now) but also a grain buffer load button that lets you choose new sample before killing previous one - I sometimes have no live input so just goes dead when you click load, rather than waiting for new sample.

Would love a normalise option for samples about to be used in grain buffer and GCO.. i have loads of my own recordings I can use but some are quiet.

It is one hell of a VST Crusher-X, the morphing time with undo and redo are really like an instrument.
Maybe an option to have external parameter control GUI update on /off would be nice like on some synths.. if you use Bitwig modulations for example it wants to switch parameter to that after a few seconds (which makes sense) but it effects morph time % too, so sort of constantly updating which is a bit confusing.

Like has been said before - but i guess that feature would be saved for a proper update - a screen to show what grain buffer is doing to sample would be fantastic (with option to set sample start and normalise sample!).

If you clicked on physical model X/Y field bar if it faintly overlaid on X/Y screen what it is controlling I think that would be really cool, sometimes not easy to see just looking at modulation bars.

The DCO seems so advanced I wonder whether it is worth having a sample start point now as well as the loop points but also midi in button so it always restarts on midi input ( I know you can map play button but not as easy I don't think..).

Just a random thing but I felt some GAS for Mutable Instruments Beads the last few days as I used to own Clouds so took the same samples used in the Beads demos on Youtube and listened to what they could do then went for it with Crusher-x.. amazing how much more powerful Crusher-x is for me. A CPU crusher sometimes but sound wise no contest (to me.).

Just some thoughts after a few glasses of wine - apologies if some make no sense, I'm just a fan of using Crusher-X!
i am quoting it as whole; mostly i agree with you, a CPU crusher, didn't ran into yet, yes i ran into it yet, but that was a mistake (some parameter that i didn't want).. not necessary.. it is quite easy on the CPU, for what you get.. perhaps i will run into some scenario's.

but for instance the morphing system, that i don't use yet. i am used to, o well, the lock states of maschine.

i thought i could tame the beast quite quickly, with knowledge i already had, what a mistake, crusher-x is complex, dynamically beast. now i am humble, and get more results, and learn it really..
that is why i didn't use the morphing system yet. and yes, it constantly updates, perhaps a lock state, would be usefull, no automatically locking (or perhaps choose?), but lock states.

but perhaps, even the lock states on maschine, i make sometimes mistakes.., i don't fully grasp the morphing system, yes of course the basics, but when, etc.. i must work with it. i know the power of morphing through states.

yes the physical field, great! simple but very effective, and therefore not simple, nice to see, what is modulated..

and what you say about normalizing, for GCO and grain buffer, yes! and visual feedback of the grain buffer, i already noticed, is something that is quite usefull. with additions you mentioned. (loading without clearing buffer, etc. normalizing, etc.)

of course the grain view gives you some insight. still. it is thé grain view.

still learning, i repeat, and completely agree, crusher-x is in a league of it is own.

i feel that i am not that clear. see it has an affirmation of your post.

i mainly use crusher-x in standalone. and make recordings. it has also to do with my own workflow..

so, the things you mention, working with it as a vst, i can get it. even if i only have some experiments (yes in bitwig) with crusher-x.

ow one thing, i finally use the full potential of splines, for length, birth, etc.
one word: wow.

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