Does the multitimbrality work properly yet (sorree!)

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Dear Maizesoft.

I've got a few Maizeplayer VSTs, not made by me but by others, and they all start off coming up as having 16 channels - but even if they have lots of presets, you can only ever use the first channel. You can't put any sounds in any of the others so, for all intents and purposes, the other channels are wasted. Which is pretty annoying because it would be great to be able to load up one instance of the VST and use all of its channels instead of having to have many instances clogging up memory. A GREAT example of this is Irish Act Studio's Infinity, which has the best pad sounds I've heard in a really long time - but you can only use one of them at once for the above reason!

So I asked some of the developers and they said there was a bug in Maizeplayer which meant the other channels weren't accessible, you could only access the first channel. I was wondering if, purely for personal use and NOT because I intend to make anything available anywhere - I don't intend to - I bought Maizeplayer itself, could I use it as an overall 16-channel VST I could load sounds from any of the other Maizeplayers I own into, so I could have up to 16 sounds at once playing in 1 instance of the VST? I've got an older oddball DAW, Quick Score Elite Level 2, that really relies on multitimbrality to work properly. Maizeplayer VSTs usually have awesome sounds in and it would be great to be able to use a bunch of them at once rather than have to have lots of instances of different ones, each with 15 unusable channels! Has the multichannel bug been fixed yet?

As the presets are all being used by Maizeplayers, they'd all have the same file extensions and therefore all be able to be loaded simultaneously (well, up to 16 of them at once!) into the main Maizeplayer VST program, yes? Assuming the bug's been fixed.

Yours hopefully


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