Please *modernize* unsubscribe links we receive via email

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Each time I leave feedback after a buy/sell experience, I'm automatically subscribed to email for the feedback thread. (NOTE: I'm familiar with subscription and email settings, so this is the expected behavior, because I typically want to be notified via email when I participate in other threads. So, there's no problem here.)

Soon thereafter, I begin receiving email notifications of new posts to the feedback thread, and each email contains an unsubscribe link.

Here's the problem:

When I (a) click the unsubscribe link, I'm taken to KVR, where I then have to (b) log in to my account, then (c) click another link or button to confirm that I want to unsubscribe.

This three-step process is archaic.

When I click unsubscribe links for other forums or accounts, the unsubscribe command is recognized immediately, because the unsubscribe link was sent to a confirmed email address. As such, no additional log-in is required. One click, and you're instantly unsubscribed.

Can you please modernize KVR's unsubscribe links, so we're unsubscribed with one click?


your first thread on this has been moved to the private suite, the mod forum...there is no need to start another.
The highest form of knowledge is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another's world. It requires profound, purpose‐larger‐than‐the‐self kind of understanding.


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