Plugin Idea (Updated): Precedence Effect/Haas Effect/Stereo Imaging

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Hi, I'd love to have a Hornet Plugin that (essentially) does stereo widening. Something similar to what iZotope's Ozone Imager does.

Full disclosure: I'm in the process of switching to Linux, and Hornet plugins work beautifully in Ardour on Linux with a simple VST wrapper. (The feature of using a single plugin instance to manage all plugin instances doesn't work, but that's not a deal-breaker for me.) The reason I'd love a plugin like this is because, even though Ozone Imager is free, it has some weird registration thing that doesn't work, whereas Hornet Plugins work out of the box! (And I'll happy pay for a Hornet Plugin over using iZotope, since iZotope plugins are quite CPU intensive...)

UPDATE: TrackUtility does have a stereo widening setting, but it only work on two-channel audio, and it tends to pan the audio pretty heavily - not just boost the side channels. I don't know how difficult it would be, but it would be nice to have a stereo imaging plugin that can work on mono tracks (by duplicating the audio as necessary), and that would keep the audio a little more L/R balanced!
Last edited by PaulTGG on Tue Feb 21, 2023 6:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.


[not sure how to delete a post, but I updated the post above]




Hi, thank you for the suggestion, we will think about that plugin, it's indeed quite simple, I'm not feeling somebody should pay for something like that.

Have you had a look to the good old mad plugin? there is one that does exactly that (can't remember if it's called mad stereo or image)



Thanks, I'll have a look for that!

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