FR: PnS 1:1 wrapper

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Feature request here: I am a big fan of PnS, and use it extensively for MIDI processing. Since there are few DAWs that host arbitrary VIs as MIDIfx, I always use Patchworks to host both PnS and the target VI. And that's it. One instance of PnS and one VI, in PW.

The problem is this greatly encumbers the use of the VI in the DAW. When I want to get to the VI UI, I click on the PW instance, its window pops up, then I have to click within it to get the VI UI to come up (I know it will remember that the VI was open on subsequent display of the PW window).

Thus I always get two windows, PW and VI, per VI I am using, often with PW on top with focus. With a few VIs wrapped this way and open there are a pile of very similar looking PW windows all over the place.

The thing is, after I have PW and PnS setup I never need their UIs. But I often need the VI UI.

Ideally I'd like to have one tool, PnS Wrapper, that did this 1:1 hosting job, and most important, defaulted to showing the VI UI directly without a second window, showing the config/PnS/IO settings UI only on demand.

Alternatively I can continue to use the 2 products and would like this "just show the VI UI" mode in PW, but it's less sensible given PW can host multiple VIs.


It's not in the plans to blend both plug-ins together right now. We have made some tests to include the GUI of some plug-ins in the main window of PatchWork, but it caused a bit too many issues so far to be released as is (many plug-ins/hosts combinations do not like it!).

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