Out Now: Filterscape 1.5 rev 15011

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DrGonzo wrote: Wed Sep 13, 2023 12:10 pmOHLORDINEEDTHIS
Urs wrote: Wed Sep 13, 2023 12:10 pmYes, you do.
It's even worse. I don't need this. Just I'm afraid I do want it, nevertheless... :o


It's nice to see that age-old Filterscape presets are working nicely with the new version. Like for instance the presets suffixed 'SF' (1) of which I have no idea now where they come from (Groove 01 to 11, PadArp9th 01 to 04, SlowArp 01 to 03, etc...) are all working just fine.

(1) Probably German, as one of the presets is named 'Wer das liest ist doof' :)


mevla wrote: Wed Sep 13, 2023 1:36 pm A large 'Download for Linux' button with underneath in small letters : 'Also available: Windows macOS'

Way to go ! :)
Ahh, interesting! It's the other way around for me. Large Windows download buttons and smaller "Also available: macOS Linux"

... So u-he's website must be dynamically coded to adjust the emphasised download links to whichever OS each user happens to be browsing on. Pretty clever! :clap:

I did wonder (in passing) how u-he's product pages always seem to automatically know that I only use Windows and so put more focus on the Windows downloads than for the others. Now, I know.


MrJubbly wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 5:17 pm Ahh, interesting! It's the other way around for me. Large Windows download buttons and smaller "Also available: macOS Linux"

... So u-he's website must be dynamically coded to adjust the emphasised download links to whichever OS each user happens to be browsing on. Pretty clever! :clap:
That's s what I thought too since forever the Linux versions are never categorized as stable - why would u-he put them first ?

Clever ? Not so much. But CLAP anyways. :)


oy, this sounds nice.


mevla wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 5:39 pm
MrJubbly wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 5:17 pm Ahh, interesting! It's the other way around for me. Large Windows download buttons and smaller "Also available: macOS Linux"

... So u-he's website must be dynamically coded to adjust the emphasised download links to whichever OS each user happens to be browsing on. Pretty clever! :clap:
That's s what I thought too since forever the Linux versions are never categorized as stable - why would u-he put them first ?

Clever ? Not so much. But CLAP anyways. :)
I meant clever as in, tailoring the marketing for each user. As in, "why yes, I do use 'X' operating system. Thankyou for making that download more accessible for me".

It's just another thing that shows that u-he care about their users and is not something you will find on many other developers websites.

There are some other developers for example, which will actually place more emphasis for an OS I don't use, (i.e. macOS) more prominently within their user download areas after I have logged in to my accounts, despite my profile already showing that I only download for Windows.

Yes, it's indeed a small minor thing, but I do always feel that it shows a lack of thought, which went into those developers user experience when they were designing their websites. They never went the extra mile, unlike u-he seem to have. That goes all the way through to each developers respective products also, imho.


sQeetz wrote: Wed Sep 13, 2023 8:21 pm Filterscape never really piqued my interest... I thought: "I have Volcano, that's all filter I need.." I was wrong.
But VA is what actually made me try the demo, and it is awesome how simple it is. And how the filter can bring life to a synth track.
Yeah, I never felt like I needed Filterscape, until I saw a video a few months ago of Urs showing off the new version. Now I know I do. In restrospect, now I wish I had bought it back then.
I wish I could sing as well as the voices inside my head...



MrJubbly wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 5:17 pm... So u-he's website must be dynamically coded to adjust the emphasised download links to whichever OS each user happens to be browsing on. Pretty clever! :clap:
Hahahaha, I'm tempted to just answer this with "It's Magic!", but really I think it's a very common thing to do.


MrJubbly wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 6:05 pm It's just another thing that shows that u-he care about their users and is not something you will find on many other developers websites.
I got an early example of this when u-he gave me Filterscape way back then. As in : "you bought all of our synths so here's that last one for free". Since then on I knew it was a cool bunch of people. And it so happens that the sounds of their synths are so good, from ACE to ZebraHZ, that they remain the goto synths up to today.


I absolutely love the new GUI design for Filterscape. However, I have one minor suggestion for (hopefully) a future update, to slightly improve useability when navigating the presets via clicking on the previous and next buttons (the left and right arrows).

I really like their positioning and how these previous and next buttons are located side by side (rather than further apart, either side of the preset name bar), as this does improve their useability, allowing fast switching between the two.

However, I have found that I am often accidentally triggering the preset pop-up menu, when I am trying to click on the the 'previous' (left-arrow) preset button, due to there being no obvious visual cue for the left-side of the 'previous' button's hitbox, to separate these two functions.

May I suggest adding a very subtle visual cue to mark the 'previous' button's hitbox? For example, something like these following mock-ups below.


i.e. Nothing too strong visually, so as not to upset the already clean aesthetic of the GUI design.

This addition would help to prevent accidentally triggering of the preset pop-up menu, when clicking on the 'previous' preset (left-arrow) button.



MrJubbly wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 11:00 pm I absolutely love the new GUI design for Filterscape. However, I have one minor suggestion for (hopefully) a future update, to slightly improve useability when navigating the presets via clicking on the previous and next buttons (the left and right arrows).

I really like their positioning and how these previous and next buttons are located side by side (rather than further apart, either side of the preset name bar), as this does improve their useability, allowing fast switching between the two.

However, I have found that I am often accidentally triggering the preset pop-up menu, when I am trying to click on the the 'previous' (left-arrow) preset button, due to there being no obvious visual cue for the left-side of the 'previous' button's hitbox, to separate these two functions.

May I suggest adding a very subtle visual cue to mark the 'previous' button's hitbox? For example, something like these following mock-ups below.


i.e. Nothing too strong visually, so as not to upset the already clean aesthetic of the GUI design.

This addition would help to prevent accidentally triggering of the preset pop-up menu, when clicking on the 'previous' preset (left-arrow) button.

You can easily change that yourself if you wish.

Depends if you're on mac or PC, but you can go into either
”C:\VSTPlugins\u-he\Hive.data\Support” (i'm not sure about this one - but i think thats where default themes are)
or on mac
“Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/u-he/Filterscape”
and then into Images/Panes and edit these files directly:

Just do the same as in your mockup


Filterscape VA Demo :phones:

Feel free to share it on your social media, it's made for it


I have just demoed the Filterscape VA again! It's a great upgrade!
Wish there would be knobs for Control A and Control B though.
That's because I simply cannot use Control A and B without figuring out MIDI first. Actually I also don't like MIDI. Wish Control A and B would be just standard automatable parameters (with MIDI optionally for those die hard oldschool guys). I feel this is really an oversight because with such a complex filter plugin some clever macro control is really necessary to be in control as a user. I see so many great possibilites this plugin can do but then: how on earth shall I control four cutoff knobs... If you could improve the "macro section" some more, I would definitely purchase this great plugin package!


jme-audio wrote: Sun Sep 17, 2023 1:03 pm I have just demoed the Filterscape VA again! It's a great upgrade!
Wish there would be knobs for Control A and Control B though.
That's because I simply cannot use Control A and B without figuring out MIDI first. Actually I also don't like MIDI. Wish Control A and B would be just standard automatable parameters (with MIDI optionally for those die hard oldschool guys). I feel this is really an oversight because with such a complex filter plugin some clever macro control is really necessary to be in control as a user. I see so many great possibilites this plugin can do but then: how on earth shall I control four cutoff knobs... If you could improve the "macro section" some more, I would definitely purchase this great plugin package!
I have the same problem. Since Ableton Live does not have the possibility to simply assign Knobs of its own controller (Push 2) to regular MIDI, it is impossible to map any knob on the Push 2 to Control A and B
MacMini M2 Pro . 32GB . 2TB . . Bitwig Studio 5.2…+…Push 2 driven by Moss……Live 12 Push 2


Btw. the GUIs of all three plugins are alreay very fine with no additional place in between. But maybe they could be extended with a Macro Footer Area that would be common to all three plugins.

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