How to automap samples using note and velocity range in file name.

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Do any Maize Sampler users have any info about automapping .wav sample imports by their file name for note and velocity?

For instance, if a file has C#3_107 (note and velocity) is it possible for the files(s) to automap upon import?

I think it's only possible using metadata but I can't find any info on this feature in the manual.

I have tried tagging the file metadata from the file names using MP3Tag but so far I haven't gotten it to work, it might be in an incorrect format / tag name.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated


If you have a Mac and Logic available you could probably import the WAV files into a Sampler EXS preset then import that into Maize. Maize correctly imports the key range metadata from EXS files.


Hi Danny, Thanks for your suggestion. Unfortunately, I don’t have a Mac / Logic so I haven’t been able to explore the .exs import option at all. It would be great to have an .sfz import option or just some way to map using the file names. If I find a way to do it with .wav meta data tags, bulk appended, from the file names, I’ll update this post with the what I have done. Thanks, again.


On Windows, you have to auto-map the samples using software like ConvertwithMOSS, export the Sfz, and then use a commercial application like Chicken System Translator to convert the Sfz to EXS24. There are no free solutions that I'm aware of.


I do have a mac and logic. However, The RR's get imported as "Groups" (as that is how esx24 works) is there a way to automate the process for adding (overlapping the samples) in Maize?

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