Patchwork: Tiger skin WIP

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First draft version (caveat: some brute force and ignorance used ;)):


Is is worth finishing?
And is there a decent guide to how the skin definitions are built (not the KUIML manual which looks like a generic syntax reference manual).

And, in Patchwork specifically:
(a) how can I name /rename the Assigned Controls at the bottom of the GUI (1 ... N is not much help)
(b) how can I re-order the plug-ins in any particular chain?
(c) can I route audio internally between the loaded plug-ins?
(d) if I have audio input on multiple channels, how is that input processed by the plug-ins?
DarkStar, ... Interesting, if true
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Sorry for the late reply. Just one word: wow :love: ! Looks great for a darker look & feel!

Each pliug-in is different, so there is no generic way of describing them, except for the toolbar and theme maybe.

About your questions:
(a) do you mean renaming them in the skin, or being able to rename them after assigning them?
(b) Right now Cut and Paste is your friend until we implement smarter reordering functions.
(c) Audio routing is "hard wired" and follow the chains. Not sure what you want to do but you cannot change the way the chains work. You can however change the audio I/O for each plug-in independently.
(d) From the manual:
Multiple Channels Support
The plug-in supports audio streams in mono, stereo or multichannel (surround) formats (up to 8 channels). If you insert a plug-in that can process less channels, only the first channels will be processed, and others will be forwarded to the next plug-in, until it reaches the output of the PatchWork plug-in.
Exception for mono plug-ins: by default, mono plug-ins will process only the first audio channel, and the wet mono output will be copied to all other channels of the main bus (aux and side chain unaffected). If you want to only apply the plug-in to one of the incoming audio channels without modifying others instead, you can use manual audio I/O configuration as explained later in this manual.

External Side Chain and Aux Outputs
With the effect version, the plug-in also has additional side chain audio channels, and the synth version uses multiple aux audio outputs for additional external routing in the host application.
The meters for these extra channels are separated from "main bus" channels by a small dark area to make it easier to visualize the main and aux levels.

All these extra channels follow the same signal flow as main audio channels, but are by default unaffected by both the plug-ins and level or phase reversal controls. As a result, by default:
External side chain input is distributed dry to all plug-ins with a side chain input.
Aux outputs from virtual instruments are routed the the PatchWork plug-in's aux outputs without being modified.
It is however possible to process or re-route the side chain or aux channels, using custom audio I/O routing for individual plug-ins, as explained later in the manual.
Hope this helps!


Thank you for your reply.

As for (a) I would like to assign names to the Assigned Control knobs. In my screenshot, instead of 1, 2, 3 and 4 they might be labelled 'Cutoff', 'Resonance', 'Threshold' and 'Out Gain' for example. And those names should be published to the DAW host (instead of 'Control 1' ... 'Control 40').
DarkStar, ... Interesting, if true
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Changing the names at runtime and displaying the new names in the host is actually not possible - most host applications actually do not support it anyway.


I was not looking for real-time name updates being passed to the host.

Just using Kontakt as an example: I can load an instrument and assign various knobs to the Host Automation parameters. Those names then are available to the host and will appear in the hos's automation tracks>

Here's one in Reaper:

That's the sort of thing that I would like to see.

Now, if I load a different instrument into Kontakt (and change the Host Automation parameter names) the envelopes in the host are not renamed (but may still drive the knobs in the new instrument. If I remove the envelope and add it again I'll get the correct name.
DarkStar, ... Interesting, if true
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Yes, I think I have understood what you are talking about. Right now this is not possible - very few hosts actually support this, so we haven't even tried to support it yet.


Really? My understanding was that most hosts did. Oh well.
DarkStar, ... Interesting, if true
Inspired by ...


Nice colors in the skin. I have been looking into this program.

I wonder if it is possible to manually (as a plain text) change parameter control numbers on GUI to names: 1 to INPUT, 2 to filter, 3 to frequency, etc. But not the parameter name but the number below the knob in the skin


It is currently not possible to change displayed name. You can however see the name of the target parameter in the presets LCD at the top of the GUI when hovering the mouse over an assigned knob.


Yes, but when I use Nebula3 or Nebula4 the only things it shows is MIX, MIX, MIX, MIX, MIX, MIX .. and that is for all Nebula parameters (except GAIN IN & GAIN OUT), so I would not know which parameter I would be changing even when hovering over. Otherwise a very stable and cool software.

But if I could rename "1" to "Low Frequency", "2" to "Low Gain" etc. (like a text box) that would help.

Is it possible to add such texts when creating a custom skin ? Then I could try to create my custom skins for my presets.

Blue Cat Audio wrote: Mon Jan 07, 2019 9:08 am It is currently not possible to change displayed name. You can however see the name of the target parameter in the presets LCD at the top of the GUI when hovering the mouse over an assigned knob.


DarkStar wrote: Fri Mar 03, 2017 3:56 pm First draft version (caveat: some brute force and ignorance used ;)):


Is is worth finishing?
And is there a decent guide to how the skin definitions are built (not the KUIML manual which looks like a generic syntax reference manual).

And, in Patchwork specifically:
(a) how can I name /rename the Assigned Controls at the bottom of the GUI (1 ... N is not much help)
(b) how can I re-order the plug-ins in any particular chain?
(c) can I route audio internally between the loaded plug-ins?
(d) if I have audio input on multiple channels, how is that input processed by the plug-ins?
nice skin, how can I have one?


yes, where can we have it ? !

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