How long does it take to produce one model (say, a hardware-emulated compressor)?

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How long does it take to produce one model (say, a hardware-emulated compressor)?


It depends on your tooling. Assuming you have something like QSpice, no developing new components, and no hardware measurements, it shouldn't take that long.


Estimates are worthless. My current project was estimated (also by me) to be doable in 4 to 6 weeks. I started in July and it's not done yet. I guess it still might take 4 to 6 weeks.
Hofstadter's Law wrote: It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.
When I studied computer science, I heard of a study done on 100 programmers given the same assignment and they measured how long it took. Result: the fastest programmer was 5x faster than average / median, while the slowest was 5x slower.
These extremes thus differ by a whopping factor of 25.
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What is a "model" anyway? It could mean a ton of things and on top of that when some model is "done" is mostly a question of "can I afford to spend more time on it" so it's really like asking how long does it take to do a painting? You can splash some paint on a canvas and call it done, or you can spend weeks refining the details... or you might spend a year sketching anatomy studies before you even start with the actual painting.

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