The Studio Log - What Did You Do In The Studio

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I spent the evening getting down and dirty with my new Trigon 6 and, man, this thing sounds amazing and is definitely the most underrated of the "Sequential 6"
Logic Pro | PolyBrute | MatrixBrute | MiniFreak | Prophet 6 | Trigon 6 | OB-6 | Rev2 | Pro 3 | SE-1X | Polar TI2 | Blofeld | RYTMmk2 | Digitone | Syntakt | Digitakt | Integra-7 | TR-8S | MPC One | TD-3 MO


vurt wrote: Wed Jan 10, 2024 7:35 pm thinking of, going, for want of a better word, dawless.
i have no problem recording stuff, without a computer.
what i don't have, is any way to then upload said recordings anywhere, which im fine with too.
but id also lose sample editing and such for my various modules, no more software updates for anything either, not as happy about losing these.

stupid computers :x

Just wear a blindfold and operate the mouse cursor via pinball controls.

Are you safe?
"For now… a bit like a fish on the floor"


WatchTheGuitar wrote: Wed Jan 10, 2024 7:47 pm
vurt wrote: Wed Jan 10, 2024 7:35 pm thinking of, going, for want of a better word, dawless.
i have no problem recording stuff, without a computer.
what i don't have, is any way to then upload said recordings anywhere, which im fine with too.
but id also lose sample editing and such for my various modules, no more software updates for anything either, not as happy about losing these.

stupid computers :x

Just wear a blindfold and operate the mouse cursor via pinball controls.
great idea! better than "have you tried switching it off and on again?" :lol:


crisis averted for now :D


Racked up my new mixer and my (not new any more) Eleven Rack so that I could have a way to just play guitar and record the results without having to set anything up. I butchered some Stones for a half hour or so, I haven't played that much guitar in a while. Realized that the 5-way in my Godin is toast and I'm going to need a new switch. Sent them an email to ask if they can point me in the right direction for a 30 YO guitar. No, it's not the same size as a strat switch, I have a couple of those.


Beating on Guitar Rig 6 to get a nice ambient setup and a ragine metal patch, all I need for what I want, but damn I'm picky!

Other than that, practicing and stripping out all unnecessary gear. Amazing how deep the crap piles up when you're not even trying to be critical. Unpleasantly surprising, le sigh.

Will almost certainly need a bass, keyboard bass/sampled bass just don't cut it for actual performance. This isn't surprising to me, strings on a keyboard are always a compromise situation.

Meh. More coffee.
DJ Hissy http:/
Waveform 13 Pro, DAWesome synths n effects, NI has my other money


Someone sent me a PM asking about Strega with Rings and/or Beads, and I realized I'd never done that. Discovered it can be pretty great!


Big studio maintenance project is underway. I've moved most of the stuff from the control room into the live room. Still need to pull out all the cables for reorganization.





I see you found a good place to store the cat, that's the important thing :)


justin3am shows me why I try to keep from having too much hardware :hihi: Still, been considering getting the new Arturia audiorig16 to have more inputs, the only problem is the plug will not go into my power conditioner in my 2U desk unit because they are vertical and there's no space. I could get a new rackmount power unit with horizontal plugs like one from Black Lion but I donno
I like my current setup so I just switched my monitor's plug to the Furman to open up a space on a strip down below.
Oh, and I have been recording custom sounds out of the 3rd Wave through the wonderful Planetarium for EPIC atmospheric stuff the last few weeks.


A bit of a modular rearrange in preparation for incoming stuff. Univer Inter is now in the Pod with a 90-degree USB cable so it's not going to stick out as much as before. More of a minor aesthetic thing than anything else really.

I've got a set almost ready for an internet radio show that invited me. Needs a tiny fix and some mastering. Off to do that now.


foosnark wrote: Thu Jan 18, 2024 10:34 pm I see you found a good place to store the cat, that's the important thing :)
He'll have a lot more spots to chill after I'm done. I'm designing some sound treatment with a friend, which will double as cat furniture. I'm surprised no one has done it before. :hihi:
Constructed Identity wrote: Fri Jan 19, 2024 2:31 am justin3am shows me why I try to keep from having too much hardware :hihi:
It's manageable, I swear! :lol: :cry:
It always starts out very organized, labeled and neatly dressed with cables hidden away... but then I swap things out, I take something to the couch, I take another thing to a meetup and every time I tell myself, "I'll get the cables routed properly later." :dog:
No thanks to my assistant, who is useless when it comes to cable management. He'll just flop over on a pile of cables to let me know my attention is misplaced.


Going through my effects more or less systematically. Some of them I've cut from my active list, because they just didn't sound as good to me as other options.

With some of these effects this is the first time I've made a serious effort to dig in and really learn them. I've been taking notes (which will probably end up on a web page once I get through everything), and I understand a couple of plugins MUCH better than before and found a lot of cool tricks with others.


Donkey's world of weird acoustic geetar tunings episode 250 - D# A# A# F# G# D#. Very sad. :cry: :cry:


I’ve not been messing with alt tunings recently but I have got something going in a melodic minor scale which isn’t something I have ever (knowingly) used much before.

Are you safe?
"For now… a bit like a fish on the floor"

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