FR: Add middle mouse click to shortcuts

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Hey Jo - after you added monitor notes by dragging, I thought about using middle mouse click to monitor. Or MMC could be used for just whatever. I realize that not everyone has a middle button but if it's an option I figure it wouldn't get in the way. Eh maybe?


So many apps use this button and yet, after nearly 20, I still haven't got into the habit of using the damn thing! Lol

Could be very useful, especially if it was context sensitive!


I'm also guilty of not using middle mouse clicks in other apps. But if I add it to Mulab's shortcuts, that should be incentive enough for me to remember! One would think.
And yeah I wanted to say something about being context sensitive, which would be awesome. Just getting it at all is a great start. Either way, I still have much love for Mulab.


I'm with you guys, the middle click is a really QOL improvement.
But also, could add configurable mouse assignaments as like shortcuts.


Well that was my thought too, if it's there, I'll find a use for it, but if it ain't... :(


I remember from somewhere, left-click to draw a note, right-click to adjust the note, middle-click to delete the note. With left-click on the note triggering it. Very vague memory... I don't write music often...


yep, sounds like LMMS :wink:


... Or Muzys?


I use the middle button “tilt” function programmed in the mouse app.
Tilt right: delete
Tilt left: undo

I hate pushing the wheel down :x :hihi:

Quite useful.
MuLab of course :D


Tilt would be good for shortcuts too :)


If you're adding mouse button functionality, the extra forward and back buttons would be really useful too! :)

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