Which DAW should I fire up? (POLL)

Audio Plugin Hosts and other audio software applications discussion

Which DAW should I fire up tonight?

The Mac is the Dongle
Have you tried Bitwig?
Total votes: 72



Live as long as its V12 :-)
X32 Desk, i9 PC, S49MK2, Studio One, BWS, Live 12. PUSH 3 SA, Osmose, Summit, Pro 3, Prophet8, Syntakt, Digitone, Drumlogue, OP1-F, Eurorack, TD27 Drums, Nord Drum3P, Guitars, Basses, Amps and of course lots of pedals!


SLiC wrote: Thu Feb 29, 2024 11:03 am Live as long as its V12 :-)
Oh, it is :)
I lost my heart in Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu


But still, 'Reason' is the most entertaining one among them

"Where we're workarounding, we don't NEED features." - powermat


Energy XT3 - FL Studio 21 | Surge - Discovery PRO - Classic Boxes Collection - Variety of Sound


A holy one?


machinesworking wrote: Wed Feb 28, 2024 11:25 pmYeah in your use case it's not a thing.
My uses cases are mixing and mastering, the same as yours. I'm just a whole lot smarter about it, which is why I can do a better job of it. And please don't make me quote reviews to prove it, it's kind of embarrassing to have to do so.
If you already have the sounds the way you want them, if you are using some live instruments, volume automation and EQ, compression etc. to get things right, then it's a different story.
That story being that you aren't doing it right. You need to do those things because you haven't done your preparation correctly. You've made extra work for yourself but it's still easier than going back and fixing things at source because of the poor workflow you have chosen. It's kind of the whole point of what I'm saying.
Partially, I know you know this, but some DAWs like Pro Tools are simply more set up for recording, mixing and mastering, and some are set up for composing.
That doesn't mean they are so much better at those tasks that it is advantageous to switch from one to another. You're just swapping one set of compromises for another and I'm here to tell you that choosing to use multiple DAWs is the wrong set of compromises to choose. Believe it or not, I don't give a f**k, but I'll guarantee you'll do a better job if you give it a go.
You don't care for clip based composing, others obviously like it.
I've done pattern based composing/arranging my entire life. It's how I work but I don't need a session view to do it, especially if it means compromising elsewhere, as seems to be the case with Live and was definitely the case for me with Bitwig.
Live is not that set up for mixing and mastering. My main DAW DP has multiple automation types for instance, Live has only one.
Why would you need more than one?
DP has VCA's, dual buffers for larger plugin track counts and heavier CPU plugins, but nothing like Max4Live.
All things you only need because you can't work efficiently. The biggest/heaviest track on our currently no. 8 album uses about 25% of my CPU resources and has 11 or 12 tracks, with maybe 6 or 8 effects. That should be all you need for pretty much anything you want to do. Maybe 20 of each for something particularly complex. e.g. You probably separate your drums into individual tracks. Why? I stopped doing that a few years ago and it's made life so much easier than it used to be, because it stopped me obsessing over little things that don't matter.
It's really not surprising that someone might want to physically commit to the tracks, and prefer mixing in another DAW, not everyone works the same.
It surprises the shit outta me because it seems like such a stupid way to do things, a guarantee of loads more work for no benefit.
NOVAkILL : Asus RoG Flow Z13, Core i9, 16GB RAM, Win11 | EVO 16 | Studio One | bx_oberhausen, GR-8, JP6K, Union, Hexeract, Olga, TRK-01, SEM, BA-1, Thorn, Prestige, Spire, Legend-HZ, ANA-2, VG Iron 2 | Uno Pro, Rocket.


Bones, the reason you've been banned here on a regular basis is because you cannot grasp even for a moment that anyone else would work in a different way than you do. You glossed over without a shred of comprehension what I said about live instruments, live drums require more than a single track, and with that in mind pretty much every point you made on top of that is pure idiocy. You really don't have any good points here besides the fact that if you're making minimal electro industrial like you do you have a method that works for you.

It's literally a brick wall of pure narcissism, which is just exactly why I declined to engage you before, you're simply incapable if thinking outside your box, have the life you deserve.


In fairness, bones has been suspended for being rude, not really for his pigheadedness. Why never banned? Beats me.

On topic, Fish is making a late burst in the poll. ‘The Mac is the Dongle’ option has been a bit of a disappointment.
I lost my heart in Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu


I'm going to contract Babya Audio to make a daw called Fish, along with a synth called Fish, and a reverb called Fish.
I used to be Bunnyboy many many years ago


OneFishOnly :lol:
We are the KVR collective. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. Image
My MusicCalc is served over https!!


Live plus Fish wins!!
I lost my heart in Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu


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